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"Dia." Dwalin said. "Are you going to be alright?" I fixed my eyes on him.

"I'm fine. It was just a stupid vision. Let's go. I'm ready to kick some Orc ass." We ran out of the woods and onto a large grassy plain. I used long strides, keeping up with the brothers. I heard the Wargs howling, and footsteps pounding on the ground. Fili's hand was put on my back, and I sped up, having slowed down.

"Come and get me!" Radagast shouted in the distance. Gandalf led us behind a large rock face. From the other side, I watched Radagast run off, Wargs not far behind.

"Come on!" Gandalf said, and we ran from behind the crack, staying together in a close knit group. A Warg howled in the distance, roaring as well. We continued to run through rocks, zig zagging for cover. Thorin stopped suddenly, the rest of us skidding to a stop. Radagast had accidentally led the Orcs our way. "Stay together."

"Move!" Thorin cried. We ran on the planes, trying to evade them. Thorin stopped, seeing the Wargs once again. "Ori, no!" Thorin cried, pulling the youngest back.

"Come on! Quick!" Gandalf said. We kept running, my legs were getting weak. Thorin turned to Gandalf.

"Where are you leading us?" He never answered. They Wargs were still on Radagast's tail. We all saw one stop, scenting the air. Thorin ushered us to under a rock outcropping. I heard the Warg appear on the top of the same outcrop we were on. It sniffed the air. My body started to shake, both from fear and exhaustion. Fili grabbed my hand, calming me down. Thorin looked over, nodding at Kili.

Kili stepped out and shot the Warg, both of them falling. The rest of the dwarves killed them. I waited for something to happen, footsteps, Radagast taunting, but nothing did. A harsh sound filled the plain, followed by Wargs howling. The footsteps pounded once again, this time headed for us. "Move! Run!" Gandalf shouted. The only way to run was through a grassy plane.

The Wargs started to surround us from all sides. "There they are!" Gloin shouted.

"This way! Quickly!" Gandalf said. I slowed my pace for a moment, fear and exhaustion starting to consume me. My breathing came in ragged breaths. Fili grabbed my wrist, pulling me along until I could run on my own.

"You can't give up now." He said. My face was burning, sweat gathering. Suddenly, we all stopped. My heart dropped. Wargs were surrounding us at all sides.

"There's more coming!" Kili said.

"Kili! Iridian! Shoot them!" Thorin shouted. We nodded, loading our bows. I glanced around, and saw Gandalf disappear behind a large rock.

"We're surrounded!" Fili shouted.

"Where is Gandalf?" Kili looked around, an arrow nocked.

"He has abandoned us." Dwalin growled. We all moved toward the rock where Gandalf disappeared in. Kili drew back his arm, aiming for only a moment, before shooting down a Warg. I put my back to Kili's, shooting more Orcs and Wargs. We circled around slowly, methodically shooting at the dreaded creatures. Nervousness raced through me. A rock flew past me, probably from Ori's slingshot.

"This way, you fools!" I heard Gandalf say. I couldn't look, being as I was preoccupied.

"Come on, move! Quickly, all of you! Go, go, go!" Thorin shouted. We shot another set of Wargs. "Kili! Iridian! Run!" Thorin shouted. We started to run, when my feet tripped over themselves. I stumbled, falling, a cry of surprise escaping. I heard an Orc growl. I started to try and get up, but realization hit. I wouldn't get up in time. I still tried. Pain spread from my thigh, and I looked down, seeing an arrow in my leg.

A howl of pain was heard, and a hand pulled me up roughly. I stumbled on my feet, agony spreading through my limbs. Kili practically dragged me, getting thrown down the crack. Kili slid down next, and Thorin last. I rolled to break my fall, the shaft breaking and burying deeper. I groaned at the impact, laying there for a moment. I yanked out the arrow, suppressing a scream. The wound was bleeding heavily, and I grabbed some cloth, wrapping it around.

I turned to see Wargs growling at the opening. My eyes widened, and scrambled back, when a Elvish horn sounded. From below, I saw a group of Elves rush into the fray, shooting at the Wargs and Orcs. We all listened to the commotion, when an Orc falls into the cave, clearly having been shot. I watched Thorin take the arrow out, studying it. "Elves." He growled.

We all paused for a moment, gaining our breaths. Fili and Kili came over. I took lungfuls of air. They hoisted me up gently, my leg protesting to the weight. "Are you alright?" Kili asked, checking my face and arms. I nodded, chuckling slightly. "You scared me when you tripped."

"I guess I'm lucky you saved me." I said, smiling. "Thank you as well Fili." He nodded, patting my shoulder. We all looked and saw a pathway at the end of the cave.

"I cannot see where the pathway leads. Do we follow it or no?" Dwalin said, coming over to me. "Dia. Are you alright? Your shots were brilliant." He said, checking my face and arms just as Kili did.

"Dwalin. I'm fine." I said. Thankfully, no one noticed how bad my leg was.

"Follow it, of course!" I heard Bofur shout.

"I think that would be wise." Gandalf said. Dwalin made his way toward Thorin, and we started following this strange path. Fili filed in first. Kili motioned forward, and I limped in front.

"Iridian. Are you alright?" I nodded, swallowing the hurt. Kili didn't look convinced, but followed behind slowly. I looked up, seeing it was a crack between two tall cliffs. From time to time, we had difficulties getting through, particularly Bombur. After what seemed like forever, the pathway opened up into an open area. I looked down and saw a valley below. In the valley, was a gorgeous palace, with flowing waterfalls. A series of stone bridges led away from the castle. There were many stairs and open areas.

I made an awestruck noise. The two seemed slightly impressed. "The Valley of Imladris. In the Common Tongue, it's known by another name." Gandalf said.

"Rivendell." Bilbo said.

"Here lies the last Homely House east of the sea." Gandalf said. Thorin turned sharply, glaring up at the wizard.

"This was your plan all along, to seek refuge with our enemy." He growled low.

"You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield. The only ill-will to be found in this valley is that which you bring yourself."

"Do you think the Elves will give our quest their blessing? They will try to stop us." He countered, getting frustrated. I was feeling dizzy, blood seeping from the wound.

"Of course they will. But we have questions that need to be answered. If we are to be successful, this will need to be handled with tact and respect and no small degree of charm. Which is why you will leave the talking to me. And Iridian." He said. Everyone looked at me. 


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