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I screamed, shutting my eyes. We were going to die. I was going to die before we even got half way to Erebor. A jolt passed through me, and we landed roughly, discomfort jarred through my body. Fili kept his grip on me as we rolled a few feet. Faintly, I heard Thorin shout, "No! Fili!" We all groaned, and looked very disoriented. But we were alive.

I laid there, to scared to move. The storm raged above, and I almost got crushed into a rock face. I covered my face with my hands, and felt a little blood on my cheek. Fili grabbed my hands, and moved them. "We're alright." He said, hugging me for a moment. "We're alright." He repeated. The moment Fili pulled away, I was yanked into another embrace.

"By Mahal's beard. I thought I'd lost you." Kili said in relief at the fact I was there. His grip was tight, as though if he'd let me go, I'd disappear into smoke. He still smelled of leather, cinnamon, and smoke. It cleared my head a little. I let go, and helped Fili up. Thunder clashed again, and I sunk to my knees, the position comforting me. A small whimper escaped my throat. The brothers stood next to me, and it was comforting to know they were there.

"Where's Bilbo? Where's the Hobbit?" We all frantically searched around. "There!" Bofur cried again. He was hanging onto the edge of the cliff, only his fingertips on it. His expression was pure horror. Dori dove to the ground, trying to grab his arm, but it only succeeded in making him slip further down. He cried out, hanging by one arm. Everyone reached their hands, down, shouting for the Hobbit to grab their hands.

He tried in vain, for he had little strength left. Thorin jumped down, hopping onto another ledge, grabbing Bilbo. He hoisted the Hobbit up. In the process of climbing up himself, he slipped. The Company shouted, Dwalin grabbing Thorin, and pulling him up. Bilbo sat there, breathing heavily, having almost died. Thorin stood as soon as he had a grip.

"I thought we'd lost our burglar." Dwalin said.

"He's been lost ever since he left home. He should never have come. He has no place amongst us. Dwalin!" Thorin called. We continued on the path. Everyone else moved ahead, but I sat there, terrified. Fili hoisted me up, and walked ahead. Kili placed his hand on my back, pushing me still. It was a light pressure, giving me something to focus on instead of the storm.

"Come on! I've almost lost you twice already, I won't again." He said. I looked back. His wet hair hung in his eyes, and his eyes were blazing with such a look I couldn't refuse. I turned and followed Fili. We finally arrive at a cave, and I collapsed inside, shaking. 

I wrapped my arms around myself, doubled over on my knees. My face was close to the ground. I closed my eyes, my wet hair dripping down my face, onto the floor. My wet clothes stuck to my skin, and a mild bone cold seeped in. It wasn't the kind of cold men feel, but the cold of the weary, of the scared.

"Looks safe enough." Dwalin said.

"Search to the back; caves in the mountain are seldom unoccupied." Thorin commanded. Dwalin grabbed a lantern, searching the cave. Before he did, he glanced over at me, smiling sadly. Then his eyes hardened. 

"There's nothing here." The bald dwarf shouted, before returning to the front. Gloin dropped a bundle of wood on the floor, rubbing his hands.

"Alright then! Let's get a fire started."

"No fires, not in this place." Thorin said. A small silence ensued before a gruff voice filled the silence. It was clipped, angry.

"Fili Kili, how could you do that?" The two, who had sat down next to me, looked at Dwalin in confusion. Their hands were on my back, and I couldn't stop myself from shaking. My eyes opened at Dwalin's voice. "How could you leave Iridian behind and almost get her killed? You didn't even notice until she almost got crushed!" I stood up, and staggered to the dwarf who'd been my father for years. He hugged me, and I took deep breaths, calmed by the presence.

"She's petrified of thunder and lightning being so close that she can feel it. You should've figured that out! And you almost let her get killed!" He growled.

"Dwalin. We went back for her. And we made sure she was alright for the rest of the time." Fili said softly. It was obvious they were afraid of his wrath. Who wouldn't be? I had never really been in the spotlight of it, but I'd seen it on others. 

"Yeah. She made it alright in the end." Kili added in the same voice.

"What's your definition of alright? Do you see her?" He continued. I only shook more. "I trusted you to take care of her! And you almost left her to die!" Dwalin's voice was raising.

"Dwalin." I said in a small voice. He looked at me. I felt so small despite being the tallest here. "It was my fault. I should've kept going despite my fear. They did come back for me, and they were the ones that kept me going despite the fact I was paralyzed and could barely think of moving. Kili was the one and kept me moving. Fili protected me when we were on the stone giant, and I only have a small scratch. Don't take it out on them." I said, pulling away. I could sense his glare at the brothers. "Dwalin." I said again. He looked down at me, and his eyes softened.

"Alright." Dwalin said gently. Thorin watched with a grim expression. "If something like that happens again, I will rip your heads off." He growled.

"Get some sleep. We start at first light." The king said.

"We were to wait in the mountains until Gandalf joined us. That was the plan." Balin countered.

"Plans change. Bofur, take the first watch." Thorin said. I took out my bedroll, and walked to the back of the cave. I set it down, and sat with my back against the rock face. I closed my eyes for a moment, taking shuddering breaths. I had never been more afraid in my life.

"Iridian." A kind voice said. I opened my eyes again, to meet Kili's. Fili sat next to me. "Here. Let me bandage your cheek." He said. I watched as he came closer, kneeling down next to me, on the other side of the one Fili was on. He brought a bandage over, and a little tape. His calloused hands gingerly touched my chin, tilting my head up to look at him. His face was very close to mine, causing my breath to hitch in my throat, my heartbeat getting faster.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were afraid before we got into the mountains?" He murmured.

"It's cowardly to be scared of something so harmless. I don't mind storms when they're far away, but not when it's so close I feel it inside my body. The thunder was in my chest, the lighting causing my hair to stand up. It's stupid." He placed the white bandage against my cheek, and taped it off. His eyes were focused on the job at hand, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"Everyone's afraid of something, it doesn't make you a coward. It makes you human." I flinched at the word. He paused for a moment, before realizing what he said. "Sorry. It makes you mortal." He corrected.

When he finished, he brushed my cheek gently. "Now, come on, you heard Thorin. Get some sleep." He said. I nodded, my eyes drooping closed in exhaustion; not just a physical exhaustion, but a mental one as well. Kili sat down, and I leaned my head against his shoulder, bringing my legs over Fili's. I was half asleep when I felt Fili's hand on my arm.

"Goodnight." The two brothers said together. Kili's hand clasped mine, braiding the fingers together. I would've said something, but I was to exhausted. I focused my thoughts on the steady breathing of the beardless dwarf, and the constant heartbeat. Thump thump. It was a comforting sound, a lullaby of sorts, and it lulled me to sleep.

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