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A hand shook my shoulder awake. I groaned and sluggishly opened my eyes. Dwalin's eyes started down at me. "Time to wake up, lass. Clean up a little as well, to be polite." I nodded and rolled over once again. "Iridian. Now." The tone made me jump, and begin to fold the blankets and place the pillows. We cleaned up the food. I was not a morning person, so I did not do much except an occasional moan and groan. Dwalin smirked at my attitude. I glared back.

Once we were out of the newly cleaned house, Fili and Kili appeared at my sides. "Good morning." They both said. I returned the greeting groggily. I had woken up, but I was still tired, almost as though the headache was giving me after effects.

"Do you think Bilbo will show up?" The question asked by the young brunet sobered me up immediately. My back straightened, and I evened out my cloak. I met his eyes, which were shining in amusement.

"Yes actually. I bet a bag of coins from each of you. I bet Bilbo will show up." They smirked at the prospect.

"That means if you lose, you have to give us each a bag of coins." Fili said. I nodded.

"I know."

"Confident, are you?" Kili said. I looked down at him. I nodded once again, fire in my eyes.

"You can pay up now if you'd like." I said, quickening my pace, causing the dwarves have to jog to keep up.

"Tch. Never." Fili answered. I snorted in response.

"Your loss. If you want to be embarrassed by the whole company that's fine."

"It'll be the other way around." Kili answered, equal fire in his eyes.

"Keep being that cocky, and you'll fall hard." I smirked, my eyes hardening, running to catch up with Dwalin, who was walking with Balin. I looked back and saw the two young men staring at me in wonder, before conversing in low tones.

"Now what brings you here, lass?" Balin said, looking at me curiously. I smirked, and untethered Nyx, stroking her flank gently.

"I made a bet with Fili and Kili as to whether or not Bilbo would show up. I said yes. And then I made them confused and ran up here." I said. Dwalin let out a bark of laughter. Balin smiled.

"You younglings. Those boys are quite surprised by you. And Kili seems quite... Enraptured." Balin said. I mounted Nyx, and shook my head.

"They're nice, and I think they'll be good fighters, but that's it." I answered, still ignoring what they said about Kili. "I'll see you soon to tell you how the bet went." I said, riding off to where Fili and Kili were mounted, and I smiled once again.

"That was quite rude." Fili said jokingly.

"Oh please. You can't be that hurt." I said. Kili's twinkle in his eyes were back, a hint of mischievousness glowing in them.

"Let's get moving!" Thorin called. I took one last look at the house on the hill, and whispered to myself.

"Come on, Bilbo." Fili and Kili smirked at me.

"You know," Fili started. His brother caught on, his eyes sparking in trouble.

"You can pay up now if you'd like." I looked at him, glaring.

"That's the second time you've stolen my line! Stop that! In your dreams though. I have faith." I said, starting my horse. We walked three abreast. We rode in silence. It was comfortable. Despite knowing them for very little time, I already felt comfortable in their presence. Dwalin looked back and gave me a knowing smile. I shook my head in response.

"Fili. Kili." I said, after gathering the courage to admit that I knew nobody.

"Yes, Iridian?" They answered together.

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