Why Is It Always Spiders?

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*Hey guys! Sorry for bringing this up again, but please help me get to 1K, it's so close!! Thanks so much for reading! Ciao!*

By now, the dwarves had started fighting and pushing each other around. Kili started pushing his way in, trying to seem less like he was the youngest. Even level-headed Fili was affected. Thorin distanced himself, watching the commotion with a dark, weary, tired look upon his face. The strange whispers were back, invading the crevices of my mind. "What? What's that he said?"

"Come on. Let's go find where the sun is." I muttered to Bilbo. He nodded, not wanting to argue with the dwarves; he was to calm and delicate. I did, but I knew it would make everything worse. The whispers continued, not unlike the ones from my vision a year ago. It sent a shiver down my spine. I looked at the tree for maybe fifteen seconds for the hand and foot holds, and then we began the ascent. We were a good way up when Thorin shouted, silencing the arguing group.

"Enough! Quiet! All of you! We're being watched." He lowered his voice at the last phrase. I continued to climb, grabbing the planned hand and footholds that Bilbo could use. Masses of spider webs were everywhere. A small shiver went down my spine at the sight. I shrugged, pushing away the chills, and continued scaling the tree. I looked down to see Bilbo following my steps exactly with ease for the most part. I glanced down, sending a check in look; he nodded with a small smile. 

My head broke the trees just before Bilbo. He shook his head, taking a deep inhale, exhaling slowly. I felt something similar, though it really was more of a mild rejuvenation. He continued breathing fully, and vibrant blue butterflies fluttered around us. The sun was setting and red of the trees looking like beautiful fire. It only made the butterfly wings more breathtaking, ironically as we continued to fulp down air. I smiled and laughed with Bilbo.

We surveyed the forest, spotting several landmarks. He called down to the group, who probably continued to bicker. Only a small sliver to worry for Kili wormed into my brain. "I-I can see a lake! And a river! And the Lonely Mountain! We're almost there!"

"We're almost home." I breathed to more Bilbo. My grin was as wide as when my blades were finished. No reply came, which made it falter. I had been right about which way was east though. 

"Can you hear me? We know which way to go! Hello?" Bilbo shouted down again. We peered down, trying to see the others. The foliage was to thick, for all we saw were leaves and branches.

A thumping, rumbling, crackling noise reached my ears, and I snapped my head up. "Hello?" Something with a lot of weight, or number caused the trees to move haphazardly. It was headed straight for us. Panic set into my bones

"We needed to get down. Now." I lowered myself down, tugging Bilbo's jacket. He clambered down, following my path I had set out for the Hobbit. I stepped on another branch, slipping on a spider web. Bilbo tripped on the same. We called out, bouncing on tree branches. It jarred my back painfully, knocking the breath from me. We continued yelling in pain and shock the entire way down. I saw a branch, and reached my hand out.

I caught myself on the branch, my arm being ripped almost painfully. Bilbo fell toward me, and I grabbed his hand, ignoring the pain in my arm at the momentum, and hoisted him up next to me. A shadow came toward us. A massive spider came through the parted web. It was huge, hairy with it's so many eyes. I hated spiders. Why did it have to be spiders? I shrieked in fear, my cries mixing with Bilbo's. It hissed at us, baring its fangs. I let go of the branch, dragging the poor Hobbit with me.

We yelped in surprise. We landed in an even bigger spiderweb, much like a large silken hammock. A very sticky hammock. I whimpered in fear, trying to move and grab a dagger. It was so sticky, for it ricocheted and made me immobile. Two spiders made their way toward us. "Kili!" I cried out, hoping he would hear me. A sharp pain rocketed from my shoulder. "Ki-li..." I said lazily. A spider wrapped me in the web before I could call out again. I could barely move my arms, as they stuck to my body. I was dragged off by my feet to only Durin knew where.

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