Running; It Wasn't in the Contract

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*Hey guys! So, this is taking place where the movie itself starts. So do not be alarmed. Thanks for bearing with me, and reaching part two finally! This should be very interesting! I might be adding some bonus chapters of what would have happened during that time.  Sorry this is so long! Thanks for reading and keep voting! Thanks!*

Dwalin sent Bilbo to go and see where the Orcs were. They've been chasing us for twelve months now, ever since we evaded Azog last time. There had been several close calls, but nothing more. Bilbo scurried off toward an outcropping about 300 feet away; far enough from us that he wouldn't lead them toward us, but close enough he could get to us. We all stood tense, waiting for Bilbo. I leaned lightly against Kili, despite being on edge. Fili rested his chin against my shoulder tiredly, his eyes dropping half closed. Night had begun to descend.

My ribs allowed me to breathe again, my arm fully healed months ago. A long scar ran from the top of my shoulder down to my elbow. It certainly would have for an interesting story for anyone who asked. Obviously the bruises around my throat faded away. Apparently I had scared everyone half to death considering I didn't wake up for a day or so. Fili told me Kili was anxious the entire time, either pacing or sitting next to me.

Thorin and Dwalin glanced over, a small smile gracing their lips. I rolled my eyes back. We waited in silence, on edge for the Hobbit to come back. Maybe ten minutes later, we saw our Burglar making his way down the rocks where we anxiously waited for his report. "How close is the pack?" Dwalin said gruffly.

"Too close. A couple of leagues, no more, but that is not the worst of it." He breathed a little on the heavy side. Everyone started to crowd around, and we pushed our way closer to hear the news. The entire company wore looks of worry on their face.

"Have the Wargs picked up our scent?" Dwalin continued. I wanted to tell him to shut up, because it seemed something else weighed on Bilbo's mind.

"Not yet, but they will; we have another problem." Bilbo started once again, but was interrupted. Sometimes Bilbo still was to timid.

"Did they see you? They saw you!" Gandalf proclaimed. I wanted to tell everyone to shut up, but that would draw the Orcs' attention.

"No, that's not it." Bilbo responded irritably. Gandalf smiled and turned to us.

"What did I tell you? Quiet as a mouse. Excellent burglar material." We all laughed loudly in appreciation that he wasn't seen for a moment. Bilbo wore an exasperated expression that no one was actually listening. I was concerned for the ruckus and attracting Orcs.

"Will you listen- Will you just listen?" I shushed the brothers, looking back at Bilbo. "I'm trying to tell you there is something out there." He pointed in the direction he came. Everyone ceased laughing, looking in worry at what he said.

"What form did it take? Like a bear?" Gandalf said.

"Ye-" Bilbo paused, looking at Gandalf curiously. "Y- yes. But bigger, much bigger."

"You knew about this beast?" Bofur said to the wizard. It was a miracle he never lost his hat throughout this. I guess the same miracle that my cloak was never anything except dirty, though I kept it in my bag usually. Gandalf turned, walking a few paces away. "I say we double back." Bofur continued.

"And what? Be run down by a pack of Orcs? No thanks." I chimed in. Thorin had opened his mouth, odds are to say something similar. He glared lightly, and I rolled my eyes again.

"There is a house. it's not far from here, where we might take refuge." Gandalf said. Fili, Kili, and I straightened at the prospect of the house.

"Who's house? Are they friend or foe?" Thorin questioned.

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