To Arms

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I awoke to the feeling of arms around me, and someone's face in my neck. I smiled contentedly. He had come back. I felt the box digging into my pocket. I shifted, and slid from my love's arms. He reached for me, but I had sidled from reach. He sighed, and then woke up. I slid the box into my bag while he wasn't looking. "How did you sleep?" He asked.

"Decent." I responded. Everyone else rose as well, and started to prepare breakfast once again. While it was bland and boring, it kept us alive. When I sat back down, Kili leaned into my shoulder, and then looked back.

"You smell like metal... and ash..." He remarked slowly. I shook my head.

"I don't smell anything." I said nonchalantly. He looked highly suspicious, but yet still seemed content. Everyone started away to do some job I had been uninformed of.

"We all have 'round the clock jobs of watch. You don't have any right now." Fili interjected. Just because my upper body was injured, didn't mean I wasn't capable. Clearly Thorin was farther away than I had originally thought. I stood, and started to walk away. "Aren't you supposed to be resting?" He called out.

"I'm exploring." I shouted back. "Nothing intensive with my hands or anything. Just walking. I promise. I'll be alright." They all looked suspicious and mildly concerned. I shook it away, and went in search of Thorin. I wanted him to understand that I wanted to be on this watch. When I found him, he was in a room where many gems seemed to be.

Thorin picked up a necklace made of very small, white shining gems. They rang a bell. They must have been the gems that Thranduil spoke of not that long ago. "The white gems of Lasgalen." Thorin mused to himself, a twistedly greedy and sick grin upon his face. "I know an Elf-Lord who would pay a pretty price for these." Those words left shock and dismay in my heart. He wanted more gold. Even now, he just wanted more.

The severity of Thorin's condition hit like a carriage. Something had to happen. Thorin tossed the necklace back into the pile it had been laying on, and the gems scattered. "Thorin." I said. He turned to me, and looked on in curiosity. I bent down to pick up the gems. He watched for a moment, as though I would steal it. I stood, putting every last one into the pile, holding my hands out. Satisfied, he continued speaking.

"Shouldn't you be resting?"

"My legs are fine. I want to be in the watch, Thorin. I can do that. I don't want to be deadweight. I am more than capable of taking care of myself. I will be healed in a couple days well enough for whatever else might come." I answered.

"Very well. Take one of the night watches, if you'd like. It's not a requirement, but if you feel like it." I nodded, and hurried away toward the gates. Dwalin rushed past.

"What's going on?"

"That lippy Lakeman!" Was all he said. I waited for the others to arrive. Thorin strode toward the blocked gate, and shouted for the others.

"Come on!" He said. Many of them set down their tools, and picked up their weapons. Kili tossed my blades to me, and then my bow. Everyone had found some form of chainmail tunics, and they glinted slightly. I hurried up the stairs they had made the night before. They were so busy. A flash of guilt surged through me as I realized how much they had worked.

There was a platform at the top of the wall, giving a wonderful vantage point. We could see the plain of the front gate from here. We could even see all the way down to Dale, where it was glinting silver. For a stone city, that shouldn't be possible. Upon closer inspection, there were Elves dressed in gold armor. They were ready for war. Fear surged through my veins. We couldn't do this. I looked down at hearing a horse's hooves on the cobblestones. It was Bard riding on a horse. He stopped at the gates. "Hail, Thorin, son or Thrain! We are glad to see you find you alive beyond hope."

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