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*Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update Monday, I was on a trip in Oregon looking at colleges way before I had to, just to get ahead of the game. That meant I had crappy hotel wifi, and was unable to write. But here it is! Thank you so much for all your reads and sticking with it! Please continue reading, voting, sharing, and please comment! Ciao!*

My eyes opened, and I saw everybody starting to rise grimly. Kili's grip tightened, as did Fili's. I slid the box with the ring into my pocket. "Get up guys. Come on." They begrudgingly got up, but Kili kept his grip on me. I understood, and I didn't want it to end. But we had to. "Hey Kili... will you braid my hair and help me with my armor?" He laughed, caressing my cheek for a moment.

I sat still, letting him braid my hair. This time it was the inset braid that used my whole head. He left the courting braid free though, and I touched it. He tied it off, and then hoisted me up gently. I slid the breastplate over my body, and Kili tightened the strings. "Is that tight enough?" He asked with a small cinch. I nodded. He tied the strings, and I put on the shoulder pads, and they fit perfectly. Then the arm gauntlets, and again Kili tightened them perfectly. He looked down at my left. His thumb brushed across the ring finger.

"You know... there's something missing here." He said slyly. My eyes widened. "Hey guys. Can I call you all over?" Kili shouted. They all came over, curiosity flashing in their eyes. Dwalin though, had a knowing look, and I raised an eyebrow, half in alarm. He shook his head, and motioned to Kili. I turned to face him, and saw he was on one knee. The box he had the courting bead in was in his hand, open.

Inside was the most beautiful ring. While it had no gems, it had his crest of Durin on the outside. It was simple, and that's how I wanted it. I gasped, and I could feel tears of happiness welling in my eyes. I covered my mouth in shock.

"Iridian. I know that this is at the last possible minute, but I have to. I cannot go into this battle without knowing that when we come back, and we will, that you will be my wife. When you see this during the battle, because you fight with your left just as much as your right, know that I am there protecting you. I will be there. If you find no reason to keep fighting because it seems to hopeless, take this as a promise. Promise you will come back, so we can go through with this. I love you Iridian." He said.

Tears of happiness flowed from my eyes as he slid it onto my left ring finger. It was the perfect size, and it looked so natural on my finger. A wide beam spread across my face, and I threw my arms around my fiancé. He laughed, and hugged me as he stood, spinning me in a circle. "Guess it's my turn." I said slyly, pulling out my box with the ring.

Kili's eyes widened in shock, his mouth hung open, gawking at it. "I am not just saying this because we are facing a war and death in the face. I am saying this because it's true. I probably knew you were my One the day I met you. You complete me in every way. Where you go, I will follow. I will not let death do us part. I hope when you see this, you realize that we are not just bonded through these rings and braids, but through our souls. My soul now resides in yours as yours does in mine. I will defend you with every breath I have, because every inhale and exhale, is all because of and for you. Because you are here, I still breathe, and I breathe for you. I love you, Kili." I vowed.

He pulled me into a bone-crushing hug as the whole company cheered in happiness. It was the one ray of happiness in these dark days. I crashed my lips onto Kili's, every single emotion of ecstasy, joy, and everything in between in the kiss. It didn't last long for we knew we were with the company. Whistles and cheers were heard around, and we pulled apart, resting our heads together. We reached for our braids, looking at them. "Until the end." We breathed simultaneously.

For those few moments, it was just us. There was no war marching toward us. We were not at death's doorstep. We were just living in the moment of being truly engaged. "Get up here!" Thorin shouted, having been looking down from the platform. We all ran up, and I already had my bow at the ready. I stood on Thorin's left side, on the side Kili was on. I linked my hand with his as we stared down.

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