Dain Ironfoot

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Wow guys... I feel so bad with how bad my updating has been. I'm so sorry. I've honestly been dealing with a lot of things. But here it is! It'll probably always be around a Sunday, I do my best to make it so. Thanks! Ciao!*

"Always, Amralime."

We joined the crowd, and we talked noisily, taking food as we wished. While my legs were getting tired, it didn't feel that late. It was surprisingly joyous. While I knew we were all worrying for Thorin, we pushed it away. We all knew he'd want us to celebrate, and not worry for the King. He always would be our king. But Fili would make just as good of one.

Kili's arm remained looped around my waist. I hadn't really thought about it, but now, everything was over. That meant our engagement was official. There was nothing holding us back anymore. There was no threat of death hanging over our heads by a thread. He was mine, and I was his, in mind, heart, and soul. The thought excited me, and sent a smile onto my face, an even wider one. My love seemed to realize what it was I was thinking, for his eyes brightened into that twinkle I had always seen. It was stronger now, so much stronger.

"Excuse me." A gruff voice said.

The company turned to see who it was that was walking. A man with red and white hair with stony small eyes stared back. He had tusks at the end of his beard, pointing up. It was Dain Ironfoot. I stiffened, Kili's grip tightening. "My princes, I have come to sent my future condolences. Thorin was quite a warrior, and a good man. I am sad to lose such a cousin. He would have made a great king. Should you ever need a father figure once again, don't hesitate to ask."

I knew a suck up when I saw it. It reminded me ever so slightly of Alfrid. "Thank you for your kind words. Thorin would have been touched to hear such a thing. We will take up your offer if necessary, but I believe that Balin, Dwalin and the company shall be enough to help us get through these hard times." I said in a polite, stiff voice. His black eyes veered toward mine. I gulped, but held my ground.

"And who might you be? You do not look like a prince. Besides... what's a lass like yourself doing in the company of so many dwarves? Women should be at home, protected." His eyes narrowed, and I felt Kili go rigid, his grip almost hurting. I touched his hand gently, and he caught on.

"My name is Iridian. I am Dwalin's adopted child. I came on this journey to reclaim Erebor."

"I see. And what gives you the right to speak upon the princes' behalves?" Dain continued. This was going to get dangerous soon. I had to find a safe outlet to this. "Since you are just a lass." I glanced around for a moment, my eyes darting to everyone in the company. Their eyes looked a little nervous, and they twitched, ready to defend. While they knew I could defend myself, it was natural, and would happen with anyone.

"I have not only been travelling with the princes since the beginning, we have become very close friends. I am also betrothed to Prince Kili. I believe that I have the right to speak upon their behalf because they would have said the same thing." I checked my peripheral vision to see them nodding. Dain looked even more infuriated at that.

"You do not look like a royal dwarrowdam. In fact... you do not even look much like a dwarf. You haven't even the beginning of a beard... as most dwarrowdams do." I had to backtrack. If he was anything like Thorin, telling him who I really was, was dangerous.

"I grew up in the Blue Mountains, I have a right to royalty as any dwarrowdam." I answered only the first question. "You may have noticed I was participating in the battle earlier. I was riding the cart alongside Thorin Oakenshield." Dain seemed to be getting angrier by the minute. Nothing I said convinced him of anything.

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