The Great Goblin Chase

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*Hey guys! Sorry that the first part of the movies is so long! I'm so sorry. The others should move faster. Thanks for bearing with me and reading! Please continue to vote and read and comment! Thanks guys!*

"We were on the road." Bofur started, and Kili looked at him, his eyebrows raised. I raised one as well, wondering where the hell this was going. "Well not so much a road as a path. Actually it's not even that, come to think of it. It's more like a track. Anyway, point is, we were on this road, like a path, like a track, and then we weren't. Which is a problem," He paused, collecting his excuse. "because we were supposed to be in Dunland last Tuesday." Bofur looked back, nodding.

"Visiting distant relations!" Dori added.

"Some inbreds me mother's side." Bofur continued.

"Shut up!" The king cried. The goblins, who still had my weapons, tossed them down at the most "opportune" time. The King stared at them, his eyes widening. "Who would dare bring so many weapons? Bring them here!" Kili started to move more in front of me, trying to block myself from his eyes.

The goblins forced their way through us. Kili grabbed my arm, trying to keep the goblins from pushing me forward. "Kili!" I called. The creatures ripped me from his grasp, forcing me forward.

"Hey! Let go of her!" The dwarf shouted to the Goblins, attempting to run toward me. Fili and Dwalin did as well. "Don't touch her!" He yelled again. The Goblins held them back roughly. Fili had pushed his way up to his brother.

I fought against the Goblins, kicking and yelling. They held on stronger, starting to dig their claws into my skin. I winced, and they threw me at the mercy of the Goblin King. The King laughed, and I half got up, about to dart away, when the King grabbed me by the throat, hoisting me up. A choked sound left my body. "You think you're so tough now? We have all your weapons." I clawed at his large hand, unable to breathe anymore. "Give me the answers I want, or else I'll choke her!" Kili's eyes widened, looking to the other dwarves for help.

Dwalin glared at the King, still not talking. I could see his eyes debating what to do. "Her life isn't worth anything? You won't give away your answers for this girl?" He squeezed tighter. I knew they wouldn't, and that was fine. I would lay my life down if they could get out safely. I gasped, unable to get a breath. "Well then, if they will not talk, we'll make them squawk! Bring out the Mangler! Bring out the Bone Breaker! Start with the girl, and the youngest." He pointed to Ori. My arms and legs started to get weak. I was getting dizzy.

"K-Ki- Ki-li." I rasped out, locking eyes. His brown eyes darted to Thorin, who finally stepped forward.

"Wait." He said. The King's hand loosed a slight bit, enough for me to get two gasps in before closing around my throat again.

"Tho-rin. N-No."

"Well, well, well, look who it is. Thorin son of Thrain, son of Thror; King under the mountain." The king hoisted me up as he bowed exaggeratedly. His grip loosened once again, and I breathed once before I no longer could. "Oh, but I'm forgetting, you don't have a mountain. And you're not a king. Which makes you... nobody really." He said with false pity. Kili's eyes locked with mine, begging me not to say anything.

"Thorin's... more of a... king... than you'll ever be... you scum." I rasped. His beady eyes fixed on me. I felt my breath leaving once again.

"You think you can talk? I can keep you from dying just to see you squirm. I actually want to see that."

"Let her go!" Fili shouted.

"Get your hands off her!" Kili added.

"Don't you dare!" Dwalin growled. He ignored the comments, turing back to Thorin, giving me two seconds to breathe before gripping my throat at the original pressure. A stifled breath tried to claw its way in. I was surprised I was still alive.

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