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 *Hey guys! We are now into the third part of this story! Whoo! Thanks for sticking with me for this long. I am sorry this story is so damn long. But again, please vote, share, comment, and read! Thanks you guys! I really mean it! Ciao!*

"Iridian. What happened?"

"Smaug. He-" Tauriel came back into the house, preparing for us to leave.

"We have no time. We must leave." She said. She rushed around the house, gathering coats and her dropped weapons. I ran to collect my own weapons as well, pulling out the one from the wooden house.

"Get him up." Bofur ordered, his joking demeanor gone for the moment. I made my way toward Kili, as did Fili. His eyes glanced over mine, and then snapped back. I ran over, and he pulled me in his arms.

"It wasn't a dream..." He muttered. I smiled against his neck.

"Not at all, melamin." I answered, touching my forehead to his. I knew this was the worst time to be doing this, but to some extent I had to. I had almost lost him.

"Come on, brother." Fili said. "And Iridian."

"Come on, come on! Let's go!" Bofur cried. I moved to help him, but he stopped me. He seemed frustrated. He then looked at me apologetically. Oin simply stood at the door, waiting for us to be ready.

"I'm fine- I can walk." Kili growled in frustration. I rolled my eyes. Of course. Now he's been healed and he thinks he's the mightiest dwarf ever.

"As fast as you can." Tauriel added. Bain approached us, Sigrid flanking her brother. Tilda clung to her sister's skirt in fright. I felt sadness rush through them. They were to young to face such a tragedy.

"We're not leaving. Not without our father." Bain said stubbornly. Honestly, his loyalty was one similar to that of dwarves, but there was a fault. Tauriel was helping Tilda get her coats on. Her face was grave, even in side profile.

"If you stay here, your sisters will die. Is that what your father would want?" I watched Bain contemplate the options. Sigrid stepped forward, Tilda following. Her face was stern, mother-like. She had clearly taken the role since their own mother had died. 

"There's a boat in the back. Let's go. Come on Bain." Sigrid said. She was showing her maturity, and I knew in that instance she had to grow up to fast.

"But what about Da? We can't leave him." Bain argued. Sigrid faced him fully. She had a dark look on her face. It was filled with worry as well.

"Da will want us to get out. He will want us to be safe." Sigrid said, grabbing her sister and pulling her close.

"But then he'll die." Bain had a point. They didn't deserve to lose their father. He was so loving. They'd already lost a parent. They couldn't afford to lose their other one. 

"Bain! If we do not go now, we will die. He will get out. He wants us to be safe. We need to leave now or else we will die in the firestorm. Is that what you want, Bain?" She demanded. Bain looked away, and shook his head. "Then lead the way so I know you're not going to run off." Bain clenched his fists, then turned away.

He led us to the back of the house, and we started getting into the boat. Oin went first. Fili and I stepped in, and Bofur and Tauriel. "Give me your hand." He said to Tilda. He helped her in, as I helped Sigrid.

"Come on, we gotta go!" Bofur fretted. I almost snapped at him. We were trying to move as fast as we could, but we had such a large group. The sounds of burning buildings are screaming people barely registered in my mind at this point in time.

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