Too Close

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*Okay, this is kind of a filler chapter, so sorry about that, but I promise the next chapter will be better. Also, I'm acknowledging that I am the worst at updating possible. So, bear with me until the end of this story. It's super long, but thanks for putting up with it. Ciao!*

Kili finished off the wrapping the wound for a moment. We sat down in chairs, Kili and I taking the couch. His hand rested upon my knee in a very cordial manner.

"Yes. The arrangements involving the rebuilding of Dale, and the lives of my people. I am asking for more than what Dain is offering. Please. It is not enough. Winter is upon us, and we are hungry. We are in need of supplies." He begged.

"We are well aware. We have a proposition." Fili said. "We are going to let you come live in Erebor until the spring after Dain leaves tomorrow morning. Here, you shall have homes, food, and accommodations for the winter. While soon, the Erebor dwarves will be back, we have multitudes of rooms, and enough resources to share with you."

"Once the spring comes, we shall send you on your way to Dale with food and three hundred coins per family, and another thousand to start your economy. We shall also freely give our help and resources upon rebuilding the city, being as we need it. We shall start on Laketown over the summer, providing more to those who want to make the journey back." I continued. Bard smiled, and it was very kind.

"That sounds very reasonable. Are you sure we cannot repay you for helping us so much?" Kili's head shook.

"After everything the Lakemen has done for us, it is the least we can do. You made it possible to make it to Erebor. You helped us even when you did not want, and we must repay you after the desolation of Smaug." He explained with a grateful look.

"Then it is settled. Though... I still have the Arkenstone. What should I do with it?" Fili answered without hesitation.

"Give it to Iridian. She is the most pure of heart here. She shall keep it safe until Dain is gone, and until the Lakemen have gotten comfortable in Erebor. From there, she should probably keep it until we rebuild the throne, so it can be placed where it belongs. It belongs in its dias, for everyone to gaze upon it's beauty." Bard nodded thoughtfully, clearing agreeing.

"Then it is settled." He pulled out a pouch, and handed it to me. The whole nation of Erebor rested in my palms; within the pouch was the spirit of the mountain. "Go on, check I am not lying." I could tell we all wanted to see it closer. I wanted to see it again. I took it out slowly, and gazed upon the most beautiful stone I had ever seen. It was white and milky, similar to a moonstone. Inside were a multitude of colors swirling around. It was like its own universe, with its own mind.

"It's beautiful. To finally gaze upon the King's Jewel." Fili breathed. I knew there was no greed in his voice, only pure awe. It truly was breathtaking. I placed it back in the pouch, tying it to my belt. "Thank you, Bard. Not just for sending Dain away, but for being willing to compromise after all the dealings before the Battle of the Five Armies."

"It's no problem. Despite Thorin was unreasonable, I knew he was not himself. How you three are being, is how he really is."

"More or less." I shrugged, causing my shoulder to twinge in pain. A round of laughter passed around in the small room. "So, our deal is settled? You will come around noon, a few hours after Dain has left? I will, hopefully, be around to help make accommodations with you. Balin, Kili and Fill as well." I summarized. Bard's eyes clouded for a moment, as though wondering what I meant.

"What do you mean hopefully?" He said. Kili tightened his hand on my knee. Our eyes darted to the side, wondering. "What is it I do not know?" Fili looked wary, but finally nodded. I sighed.

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