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*Sorry this is a longer chapter... Please enjoy, vote, comment, share, and read! Thanks! Ciao!*


He wrapped his arms around me tighter, and safety washed over me. The smell of Kili was always there, and it soothed my emotions. "Are you going to be okay?" I pulled myself even closer, wanting to be near him. I put my chin on his shoulder.

"Yeah. I'll be alright. And Kili?" He made a noise, and I continued. "Do you think my parents would be proud of me?" He paused for a moment, his hand rubbing circles on my back.

"Yes. They would. You're an amazing warrior, an incredible weaponsmith, and a brilliant woman. I don't doubt they're smiling down at you, proud as ever. I bet they're proud of the choices you've made. They'd want you loyal to your friends and happy rather than with your kin, and not as happy."

My eyes welled with water again, and I squeezed him tighter. "Thank you, Kili." I said, my voice breaking again. He ran his fingers through my hair, detangling it, pulling spiderwebs out of it. I must have looked awful.

"Always, Amralime." I loved how he said it. It sent chills down my spine, and warmed my heart. He turned his head, placing a tender kiss against my temple. "Hey. Let's get out of this corner, and sit with me over here. It's surprisingly beautiful for a dungeon." He stood, reaching a hand down. I sheathed my weapon quickly, and I grabbed his hand, lacing my fingers with his once he stood.

We walked over to the cell door, and Kili sat a couple feet away, and patted the space in front of him. I sat between his legs, and his fingers moved to my hair, taking out my own braids, to which I didn't object, and brushed my tresses gently with his fingers. He pulled out more webbing a few times, and continued on with the task. "You know, I remember you did this a year ago. I meant to tell you, you should do it more often, and I never did."

He laughed, a deep sound that resounded through my bones. He continued to detangle my rat's nest. He went over a large tangle, and I flinched. I'd faced extreme pain, but a simple tangle would always be my downfall. "Sorry. But I'll do it whenever. My mom taught me how to braid. Fili braids his own hair... and beard." I knew he wished he had one for himself.

I felt him shift onto his knees, and he grabbed the hair at the very top of my head, pulling them tight. He continued to weave the hair at the top of my head, in a different fashion than I remembered. He finally reached my hair, and took three strands of hair, braiding them together, and tying it off with the hair tie I always had. I hummed a song as he plaited my hair.

"Broke my heart on the road, spent the weekend sewing the pieces back on. Friends and thoughts pass me by. Walking gets to boring, when you learn how to fly. Not the homecoming kind, take the top off and who knows what you might find. Won't confess all my sins. You can bet I'll be trying, but you can't always win. 'Cause I'm a gypsy, are you coming with me? I might steal your clothes and wear them if they fit me." Kili laughed upon hearing the line.

"Never made agreements, just like a gypsy, and I won't back down 'cause life's already bit me. And I won't cry, I'm to young to die if you're gonna quit me, 'cause I'm a gypsy. I can't hide what I've done. Scars remind me of just how far that I've come. To whom it may concern. Only run with daggers, when you want to get hurt." I sang the chorus again, moving to the bridge. "And I said hey you, you're no fool if you say 'No'. Ain't it just the way life goes? People fear what they don't know. Come along for the ride oh, yeah. Come along for the ride ooh." I sang the chorus once again, before finishing.

He rubbed my shoulders, having finished a little before the song was over. I reached back and felt the braid was raised a little. "What kind of braid is this?"

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