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A hand shook me awake. I groaned, and rolled over, snuggling into the blanket further, my head almost buried. It shook me up. I slapped the hand, and used the blanket to cover my head. A low chuckle sounded. Suddenly, the blanket was yanked off of me. I moaned again, and dragged my eyes open to see who the culprit was. It was Kili, a triumphant look on his face. I glared daggers at him, snatched the blanket back, and burrowed under again. "Little bastard." I muttered.

"Get up. We're leaving soon." Fili said, taking off the blanket again. I growled, and sat up. I swung my legs over the edge. The two were fully dressed, their packs and weapons on their backs. I glowered once again. I walked to my pack, and brushed my hair, braiding it quickly. I loaded my weapons, hiding them into my boots, jackets, and other little spots. I strapped my blades to my back, and loaded my pack, putting my bow and arrows on last.

"Let's get going." I said, woken up finally. We walked out, meeting up with the rest of the dwarves. Thorin nodded to me, and Dwalin smiled, flickering his eyes to Kili. I smiled slightly, conveying enough. His head bobbed, before turning to Thorin again.

"Let's get going. Before they stop us." He said gruffly. We started hiking at a brisk pace. We crossed the bridge, and hiked along the path we took, traveling farther away from Rivendell. "Be on your guard; we're about to step over the edge of the Wild. Balin, you know these paths; lead on." He stepped to the side, allowing Balin to pass through.

Bilbo turned around, and looked back at the Elven palace longingly. We walked passed him. "Master Baggins, I suggest that you keep up." Thorin said, walking away. We all looked back, and saw him continue walking. We trekked on, passing through ranges, mountains, and plains over a few days.

Ever since Kili and I had forgiven each other at the Rivendell, we had been closer than ever, inseparable even. Fili had been closer as well, and we were the dynamic trio once again. I often sang while we walked, for it took my mind off the distance we were walking.

We rested one night. As they cooked the dinner, I watched as Bombur's face fell in sadness. "Thorin. There's a slight problem." He started. Thorin walked over, annoyed clearly.

"What is it, Bombur?" He said irritably.

"We don't have enough food. Someone won't have any dinner." I shook my head, and everyone else looked around. I raised my hand.

"I volunteer my ration for the sake of the company." I said. Dwalin's eyes looked sad.

"Iridian." Thorin said. "You always do that. Every time."

"So what? I'm strong enough. I can handle it. Besides, you guys deserve it. I also can't have our Hobbit go hungry." I added. "That's it. End of discussion. No arguing." I said as Thorin opened his mouth. He glared, trying to get me to see reason. I glared back, and he relented.

"There you have it Bombur." Thorin said. I stood, and headed toward a vantage point. "Iridian, are you taking watch?" I stopped, looked back, and nodded. The smell of the food had no effect on me, but I knew I needed something to do before hunger swept me away. My weapons lay across my knees as I scanned the area.

I felt a presence behind me. I turned to see both Ori and Bilbo standing there. "What is it?" I said softly, turning back to the open space.

"I want to say thank you, for doing that. You always do and I cannot help but feel bad." Bilbo started.

"Do not feel bad. I would hate to see you go hungry. For you are still out of your element, Bilbo, and please take no offense. And Ori, a young dwarf like you needs to eat. It is my pleasure to ensure everyone is alright." I answered. While I would feel the growl in my stomach, I would will it away.

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