Face to Face

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*Hey guys! I just wanted to say thanks for the 500+ reads! I really appreciate it! Please continue reading, and vote for my story! Thanks so much!!! Also shoutout to ObviouslyPaige for making this new cover! It's amazing!*

Two days later, I still hadn't been with the company. Bilbo ate lunch with me, Fili accompanying me for most of the day. I skipped breakfast, picking up a book and reading in the willow. By afternoon, Fili decided to go to the company, and I decided to walk around Rivendell. I'd become quite familiar with the place. As I walked, I saw Lord Elrond with his assistant Lindir. I snuck closer, hearing them talk about the wine almost being gone. Lindir asked how long they would stay.

"Come on out, little one." Elrond said. I sighed, and came out from my hiding spot. "What is it? I noticed that you are no longer with your friends at meals."

"What the dwarf had said, I still cannot cope with. I have decided to avoid him, and he is with the company. Therefore I am not. I find the company of your elves very nice, and have helped me for the most part." I said softly.

"I'm glad to hear. Know you are welcome to visit at any time. I saw you enjoying the library a lot. I was also told that you took a liking to our willow tree."

"Thank you. Yes, the willow tree was a perfect place for me. And the library is quite nice. It was lovely reading. I will be back someday, hopefully. Thank you for all your hospitality." I bowed, and he nodded to me, a look of respect in his eyes. He motioned away politely, and I walked off.

I headed off in the direction of 'my' willow tree, wondering when it was we were leaving. I heard laughter not far off. I looked over to see the dwarves bathing in the fountain, having a fight in which they had each other on their shoulders, trying to knock the other down. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. I couldn't see anything else except for Fili and Kili's upper half, which was toned, a visible six pack showing. Their muscles were clearly defined. I blushed, and continued walking, not wanting to stare.

I stayed in the willow tree until night had fallen. I decided to try and spend time around the company, being as soon I would have no choice. I heard laughter once I got near our quarters. I followed it to a light, where the dwarves were gathered. They were chatting loudly. Bofur was cooking a sausage, Bifur lighting a fire with the Elf furniture. Bombur was sitting on a bench with food in his hand. The bench looked like it was going to collapse.

I glanced around, and saw Kili smoking his pipe, looking quite dismal, while spinning something in his hand. He picked up a quill, writing as well. I wanted to take a closer look, and decided against it. I turned my attention to Bofur again, who looked at his sausage, taking it off the prong he had. He glanced at Bombur, and back at the food.

"Bombur!" Bofur called, throwing the sausage. The bench creaked, and Bombur's eyes went wide as the weight was to much, and he collapsed the piece of furniture. A roar of laughter started. Kili took the pipe from his mouth, guffawing loudly. It was a nice sight. His eyes were closed and he was laughing so hard, he had sat up. He laid back down, still laughing. I laughed a little as well, sadness tinging it.

I walked past Kili, whose eyes were still closed, and sat half in the dark, staring at the fire, away from the dwarves. A presence found its way next to me, and I found myself looking into Fili's blue eyes. "Hey you." He said. I returned the greeting. "I didn't expect to see you here." He continued.

"Ha ha." I punched him in the shoulder. "I figured since I didn't know when we were leaving, I should try and be able to try and be around Kili. Because I've missed the company. I've just been to busy with my feelings."

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