Come Back To Me

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*Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't been updating. This is in Kili's POV. I thought a change in perspective might be interesting! Let me know if I got Kili's voice and personality right also please. Vote for my story please. Thanks guys!*

*Kili POV*

Ever since I yelled at Iridian, she'd disappeared into the shadows. She was nowhere to be found. It was like she didn't exist anymore. The only person who knew of her was Fili, and he refused to tell me. For the first couple days, I didn't even know if she still stayed with us. She'd awake before us, presumably to get breakfast. The only reason I knew she was there was because the bed was rumpled.

She never came to other meals, Fili going to wherever she hid during dinner. It was just before lunch, five days in, and I went on a mildly regular scavenger hunt for her, hoping I could see her. She was so frickin' elusive. I hadn't had any luck thus far. I wandered into a courtyard with a large willow tree. Two figures were there, standing in the partial shade of the tree.

I snuck closer, for they looked far to short to be elves, and one seemed to have facial hair. My eyes widened in realization. I found Iridian. Her and Fili were meandering along, talking quietly. She must have asked something, for Fili stopped, his head hanging just slightly. I couldn't walk forward to hear them or I'd be seen. Iridian turned over her shoulder to hear him speak.

I watched as her shoulders fell slightly. She faced Fili fully, and grabbed his hands. Jealousy coursed through my veins. Fili knew how I felt to some extent, and yet here they were, all but holding hands. They talked for a moment, a serious conversation, when she pulled off the ring. The gem sparkled in the sunlight. I risked walking a few paces closer as Fili took the ring, inspecting it.

"It was my mother's. My father gave it to her as her wedding band, obviously." My blood boiled in anger as I watched events unfold. Fili held out the ring, and she held out her right hand. My brother slid the ring onto her finger, a playful smirk on his lips. I was going to strangle him. She looked at his face, a smile on her own perfect lips. She never smiled at me like that. It was a soft smile, her lips barely quirking, but I could see the emotion behind her eyes. That's where they always were. Always in the eyes, but only if you looked close enough.

Her laughter travelled to my ears. It was so melodic and pure. Fili began to laugh as well. They looked so happy, she'd rarely been so full of joy. "This is the happiest I've seen you since we arrived at Rivendell. I'm glad." Fili said, grabbing her hand again. I started to walk away, unable to watch anymore. Something felt like it broke in me, snapped cleanly.

I looked back once to see Fili bowing exaggeratedly, offering his arm. "Shall we go, Miss Iridian?" Iridian laughed, amusement sparkling in her cloud grey eyes. She looked gorgeous. She bowed as well, linking her arm with his.

"Yes we shall, Master Dwarf." She answered. I shook my head, I couldn't watch. It was to painful. She looked happier than she ever did with me. Maybe she was better off without me. I hope Fili cared for her. And there he goes, getting another thing of mine that mattered. First it was uncle's favoritism, then it was the talent, the beard, and now my dear Iridian. Guess she wasn't "mine" anymore. Who was I kidding? She was probably never mine to begin with.

I arrived at the table, those thoughts swirling in my mind. I sat slowly, my head spinning with thoughts. "What is it boy? You looked like someone broke your heart." Bofur asked.

"That's because someone did." I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?"

"It's nothing. I'm fine." I said instead. I would've been made fun of admitting such feelings. Dwalin would kill me. He'd have my head if he knew my feelings. I noticed Iridian and Fili stopping a distance away. She was rigid. Fear was in her eyes and she looked like she was going to cry. My brother grabbed her hand again and lead her toward the table. He let go once they reached the table.

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