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All was silent for a while. No one wanted to speak after such an outburst. At some point, I watched Kili's eyes wander up, and over my shoulder. The others did too, watching the dwarf curiously. I followed his gaze to the beautiful Elf playing the harp. The Elf had brown waving hair, with startling green eyes. I turned back to Kili, and saw his face turn up in a flirtatious smile, his eye half winking subtly, his grin getting ever so slightly wider, and his eyebrows raised a tiny bit up, suggestively.

Tears burned my eyes. Why should they? I hated the way he looked at that elf. Like the elf was beautiful, amazing. Fili's hand tightened on my knee, his orbs hardening in anger at his brother, darkening to the color of a stormy sea. Dwalin looked at me once, and then turned to Kili, a dark look on his face. His smirk was smug, until he saw the bald dwarf in front of him. His smile dropped and he looked down and away, shaking his head. "Can't say I fancy Elf maids meself. To thin." Dwalin's eyes raised. "They're all high cheeks and creamy skin. Not enough facial hair for me."

It was almost as though it was directed toward me. Every comment seemed to hurt like a knife stabbing me. I took a sharp intake of breath, no longer looking at anything except my plate, not filled with any food. "Although," He said, looking at another, following them with his eyes. "That one's there's not bad." Dwalin leaned over.

"That one's not an elf maid." Kili looked horrified, looking around embarrassed. Dwalin winked at him, and all the other dwarves laughed at his misfortune. In fact, Kili looked quite flustered. I glanced at Fili, and a small smile broke my face. Kili grimaced and nodded, looking at Bofur.

"Funny." Kili said sarcastically. I watched as Oin stuffed a napkin in his trumpet as an Elf maiden played the flute near. He smiled when he heard nothing. I glanced behind me to see Elrond looking at the swords. Bilbo pulled out his own sword, looking at it.

"I wouldn't bother, laddie. Swords are named for the great deeds they do in war." Balin said.

"What are you saying, my sword hasn't seen battle?"

"I'm not actually sure it is a sword; more of a letter opener, really." Balin said, looking at it with amusement. I looked over again, and heard their conversation, trying to distract myself in any way I could. I had lost my appetite.

"How did you come by these?" Elrond said.

"We found them in a troll hoard on the Great East Road, shortly before we were ambushed by Orcs." Gandalf explained.

"And what were you doing on the Great East Road?" Elrond looked to Thorin, whose expression had gotten dark.

"Excuse me." Thorin pushed his chair away, and walked off. He leaned down, and whispered in Dwalin's ear for a moment.

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