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My head spun when I awoke. I groaned softly, and opened my eyes. Thankfully, it was dark when I opened my eyes. An arm was wrapped around my shoulders. I looked over, and saw Fili hadn't moved, his eyes watching my face expectantly. "You- you're still here." I stammered in surprise.

"I told you I would be." He said, moving his arm. I looked down and saw I would've fallen from the tree if it hadn't been for Fili. I nodded slowly. "What did you see?" I explained the visions with a shaky voice. My stomach churned, and I was glad I hadn't eaten. "I see. I wouldn't worry about telling Gandalf. Considering you don't know anything from the Orc vision. Are you okay?"

"I just feel really sick after that. Also I don't want to go anywhere near where the others might be."

"I understand. Would you like me to leave?" I shook my head, grabbing his hand lightly. He gripped it back, and I felt like a child the way he held my hand. He held it in a comforting brother sense, like he was holding it after I had a nightmare.

"No. I don't want to be alone, but I don't want to be around everyone. You know?" I looked sidelong, and I watched him nod. "Can you tell me a story? About you guys from childhood?" I said suddenly, wanting to distract myself. He thought for a moment.

"Kili was always a little troublemaker. He'd slide around the halls in his socks. One time, Uncle Thorin had wanted to talk to us. Mother had called for him, being as he was supposed to be there. I was there, wondering what he had gotten himself into. Thorin seemed highly unimpressed.

"We searched the halls, trying to find him. We heard him shouting. We all turned around when he crashed into us. Mother was furious. Thorin ended up frustrated, but laughed at Kili. We were pretty young. Go figure, it was Kili who was sliding on socks when he ran into us. It kind of solidified that I would be the next king, because Kili was too childish." I laughed at the story.

"Is Kili ever jealous of you?"

"Nah. He never really wanted to be king. I think he might be jealous with how Thorin treats me though. Thorin tends to pay a little more attention to me because of the fact I was going to be king. Extra lessons in diplomacy, battle tactic, et cetera."

"But Thorin still cares for Kili." I pointed out, thought it seemed like a question.

"Of course. We're his only nephews. More than anything though, Kili just wants uncle to be proud of him and treat him like something other than a child. He wants Thorin to look at him and see a nephew he can be proud of."

"But... isn't Thorin proud?"

"He is. But Kili's reckless, and uncle treats him a little stricter. He wants to try and make Kili a little less reckless, and more responsible. You saw how he ran into the fray, and how he has no disregard for safety once he gets riled up. He's rash and not smart with his words, something that a king needs to be. You see?"

"Yeah. But Thorin should be proud of him. He's loyal, and good in battle. When he has a clear head, he's very smart."

"I know. I'm also older, which means I'm in line anyway. Kili just doesn't want to feel like a child."

"But Thorin trusted him to shoot the Wargs."

"Thorin knows he's a brilliant archer, he gave Kili his first bow. He's been giving Kili more freedom since he's gotten older. I mean, Thorin's been giving him more opportunities since the quest. Normally, uncle probably would have had Dwalin take care of you when you fell off your pony. You didn't see it, but Thorin had paused, and let Kili watch you." I paused unsure what to say. Fili continued talking.

"He's tired of being seen as second. He's tired of being teased for being beardless. He's tired of being compared. That's why he's rash. He just wants someone to see him as he is without another thing in his way. To uncle he's the child. To others, he's the beardless. He's always being compared to me as well, and I don't like when they do, because Kili's a great person on his own. So, my next question, what is he to you?" I looked down pensively. I said my next phrase slowly, choosing my words as I went.

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