I'm Sorry

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"Tolo!" He called. A moment later, three Elves walked in, bowing slightly.

"Get this lady dressed in proper clothes. She is of Elf lineage." They nodded. The lord walked up to one, a shorter brunette with blue eyes, whispering something, and afterward, Elrond walked out. "They will escort you to dinner." He said, before closing the door. The servants looked at me, and then one ran off."

"Excuse me? What are you doing?" I asked in Elvish. The other arrived, holding a deep blue dress. It was quite nice, but it wasn't my trousers. "You know, I'm alright. You don't have to. I quite like my trousers." I stated.

"Please. This once. Lord Elrond commanded it." It was the Elf with the blue eyes and brown hair. She was quite stubborn. I sighed, relenting.

"First though, would you care for my wound?" I said slowly. I moved the fabric of my trouser, and the makeshift bandage, to reveal a blackening wound. It must have had poison, but no matter, the elves would do something. The brunette elf led me to a chair, and ripped the fabric of my trousers further. These were my favorite pair.

She instructed to get water, and bandages. She cleaned the wound quickly, and pressed her hands to it, uttering a small spell I did not understand. The wound closed, leaving a scab, and nothing but a small ache. She rewrapped it. "Do not overwork yourself, or it will reopen. We will fix your trousers. Now, the dress." I stood, looking at the beautiful garment.

They held the dress up to me, and realized very quickly that it was to small. They all sighed, obviously perturbed they had to dress someone so small. An Elf with red hair took a knife from her belt, and took one slash at it. I was worried it would be ragged, but there was barely any difference from when the rest was. They held it up once again, and nodded.

One went to get a screen, and held it in front of me. Another passed the dress. I took off my trousers and shirt unwillingly, and slipped the dress on. It was quite uncomfortable. I felt vulnerable. I stepped out, holding my clothes. The stitches were silver, and there were intricate designs on the collar and the sleeves ended with a point at my middle knuckle, designs on them as well. I couldn't deny it was beautiful.

The three came, holding a cloth and a brush. I growled under my breath, but let them lead me to the chair, sitting me down. An elf with blond hair took my braids out gently, careful not to hurt me, and I went to stop her. I hated when they were not in my hair for a long period of time. My hair always got into my eyes, and it was annoying.

"Please. This once." I paused, before reluctantly let my hair go, and she continued.

The other two, the brunette and a redhead, knelt at my sides, bowls of water that smelled of nice soap and towels. The blond elf started to brush my hair gently, and it was soothing. The other two stated to wipe the dirt away from my face, ears and neck. I once again couldn't deny that it was very nice, and it was something that I would never get again. I let them finish.

"Miss, what would you like me to do with your hair?" The blonde spoke in a soft Elvish.

"Whatever you see fit." She nodded, and pulled some oils from her pouch, and put some in my hair. She brushed it once more, and then they all moved back. I stood up, and walked to the looking glass across the room. I hardly recognized myself. The dress itself looked very nice. It hugged my curves in ways that my trousers didn't, almost accentuating them. The collar came just under my collarbones. My face was clean of dirt, and it showed on my slightly pale face. In fact, it seemed to glow. I turned and saw my hair brushed and it was in gorgeous waves. Waves that never appeared in my hair when I brushed it. I tucked my hair behind my ears, which were quite pointed now that I noticed.

"Le fael." I said. They nodded, bowing lightly.

"Tolo, govano ven." The blond said, asking me to join them. I followed them, and they arrived in a beautiful courtyard. I smiled at them, and bowed.

"Guren glassui." They all smiled.

"Please, you are the guest. Do not bow."

"But I must thank you for what you did." I countered softly.

"We will leave your trousers and weapons in your room. Is there one you'd like?"

I shook my head. "I'm sure I will find them, or someone else." I laughed slightly. They bowed once again, retreating back into the castle. Soft music played. A flute and a harp. It filled me with calm. I made my way to the dwarves, sitting down silently next to Kili. No one had noticed, to busy inspecting the food.

"Try it. Just a mouthful." Dori said, coaxing Ori.

"I don't like green food." Ori said like a child. Dwalin began to look through a bowl of greens.

"Where's the meat?" He asked as Oin held up a vegetable in disgust.

"I agree." I said softly. All eyes snapped toward me. I shrunk in my seat. Kili's eyes were an intense bronze in the sunset. They were wide as saucers.

"Iridian. You look beautiful." Fili said.

"Stunning." Kili breathed. "Brilliant." He added.

"What did they do to you, lass?" Dwalin said, setting the bowl down.

"Lord Elrond commanded that they clean me up, and dress like one of my kind." I explained softly.

"One of your kind?" Fili said incredulously. I sighed, and looked over to where Gandalf was. His eyes locked with mine. He nodded slowly. I started fiddling with a strand of hair, twirling it, and then dragging my hair down.

"You see. I'm not entirely dwarf." I mumbled softly. "I'm actually only ⅛ dwarf. I'm also ⅛ human, and... ¾ elf." I lowered my gaze, unable to meet anyone's eyes. Shock passed through the group. I closed my eyes, steeling myself for them to yell at me. I was ready for them to ridicule me, calling me a no good elf and a lair. But nothing came, instead just the opposite.

"Well that would explain your lack of facial hair and small nose and pointed ears. It doesn't matter. You're part of the company. If Thorin doesn't treat you with disgust since he knows, then it doesn't matter." Balin said. They all nodded slowly.

"Yeah. It doesn't matter. You're a fine lass, and a damn good fighter. We need you in the Company." Bofur added. I smiled a wide grin. I wasn't expecting such a reaction.

"Is this the story that you were saving for later?" Kili said, his eyes smoldering. There it was. I nodded slowly. "Why didn't you tell us before? Nothing would have happened!" Kili hissed.

"I didn't know if I could trust you. If you'd think differently."

"You should've known we wouldn't! We're not like Uncle. I thought you were a dwarf! I thought you trusted me. But you lied, kept secrets... I can't believe you!" Kili said, his voice raising slightly. His bark scared me, and he reminded me of a wolf baring his teeth. I stood up sharply, joining Fili on the other side of the table.

"Goheno nin. I'm sorry." I whispered just loud enough to hear, and I looked down once again. There was a silence that ensued. I looked down at my ring, twisting it on my finger, feeling comfort.

"Have they got any chips?" Ori said, looking back, trying to relieve the tension. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. I felt a hand on my knee. I looked over to see Fili, his eyes soft, and holding mild pity. I grimaced back, placing my hand over his. It was calloused, rough, and comforting in a brotherly sense. Fili leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"He's just mad.  Give him time. He'll come around." I locked eyes with him.

"Alright. If you say so."

*Hey guys, for the rest of the story, here and there, there will be Elvish translations... so here's more

Guren glassui: Thank you from my heart.

Le fael: Thank you

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