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My body felt paralyzed when I awoke. Breath shuddered into my lungs, and I heaved it in. It felt like I couldn't get enough, and I started to panic. Tears streamed down my face, as I tried to move my non cooperative body. I went to open my mouth, but I concentrated to heavily on breathing. I had to breathe. I had to know I was alive. "Iridian! By Mahal, she's alive! She's alive! Thank the gods." A tunneled voice said. I didn't know who it was for the moment. Whoever it was, swept me into their arms, burying their face in my shoulder.

His stubble was rough against my skin, and I felt Kili's tears drop onto my shoulder. His hand cradled my waist and head close to him, as though I would go again if he held me any lighter or any other way. "I thought I'd lost you." He got out around his sobs. My limbs started to retain feeling once again, and I hugged him back stiffly.

"I'm right here, melamin." My hoarse voice muttered. It was very low and scratchy, and I wondered how long I had been gone. "I'm right here." I repeated in his ear. There was a clamor behind me, and I pulled back slightly, to see Dwalin, tears alight in his own eyes.

"Dia!" He said in a panic. He stopped in front of me, taking my face in his hands. His calloused hands were rough against the skin, but he also held me like I was glass. "Oh, nathith. You're really alive." He embraced me fiercely, and my sense of smell told me I really was alive. "I told you not to kill yourself protecting the ones you loved. We all thought you were dead!" He exclaimed.

I looked at his face, rubbing away the tears on his cheeks. "I had to. I didn't think that would happen, I hadn't foreseen it. But Thorin is alive. The King Under the Mountain is back, and so am I." I chuckled weakly.

"Why are you laughing?" Bilbo demanded. "You had almost died! And you're laughing!" He said indignantly. It only made it a little stronger. Everyone looked so confused.

"I'm laughing because I'm alive. I'm thankful to be back."

"You had died. You really had. Kili felt your heart stop. And... then it restarted after almost two days. You'd been dead for nearly two days, and now you're back." Fili said in shock. I held open my arms and he stepped into them, clearly as happy as his brother. "Your heart stopped. And now it's okay." He mumbled again, stunned. He pulled away, only for our hair to get caught.

"Every time." I muttered, and the company laughed. I untangled it with clumsy fingers. "Where is Thorin?" I asked, seeing our king was missing.

"Just waiting for the reunion to be over." A gruff voice said from the doorway. I was in the healing room. Standing there, regal as ever, was Thorin Oakenshield. He strode forward, and everyone parted, but Kili kept his hand in mine, not wanting to be away again. "You have saved my life countless times on this journey, and everyone else's. There is no way I can thank you for giving your life for mine."

"I wasn't going to let Erebor go on without the dwarf who reclaimed it see it flourish." I answered. He swept me into a bear hug, holding me tight. I felt so sore, and battered, but it did not matter. "I am back, and so are you. How is your wound?" I asked once again. His body rumbled in a deep laughter. He let me go, letting Kili return his grip on me.

"Always thinking of everyone before yourself. It is simply a scar now. The better question, is how are you?" He stood, the entire Company flanking him. The only three near me, were Kili, Fili, and Dwalin.

"Sore. Like I am a child again. But... my wounds do not seem to be hurting." I mused more to myself. I rolled my sleeve, to see my glass wounds to be mostly healed, covered in thick scabs. My hands were covered in the same scabs. I lifted my tunic to see the same.

"Your arrow wound... Its scabbed up again." Kili gasped. My wrists no longer adorned the cuts I had made, for they had disappeared. Only Fili and Kili noticed that as well. "How...?"

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