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*Hey guys. Sorry this is so incredibly short. But please read. Thanks so much! Also, I would like to say that the time spent in Rivendell is definitely drawn out for me. I apologize for that.*

Fili and Kili wore identical faces of confusion. Everyone else had varying looks of confusion. The only ones that didn't were Gandalf, Dwalin, and Thorin. I felt dizzy, blood seeping from the wound. It felt like there were more eyes on me than there really was.

"Yes, my dear. They will listen to you." Gandalf answered. Thorin looked displeased, Dwalin as well.

"I don't want to put her in danger." Dwalin said.

"They won't. Because, well, you know." Gandalf said vaguely. I frowned, glaring.

"Are you sure? I don't think this'll go well..." I said slowly.

"Trust me. Everything will turn out alright. They have to listen to you." Gandalf said softly.

"If anything happens, I will make no promises to not react." Dwalin growled. Gandalf nodded.

"Let's get going. Iridian, go with Gandalf to the front." Kili grabbed my hand. I looked back, and his eyes were worried. I nodded, and he let it go. I walked to the front, now feeling very nervous. We began walking across a bridge, entering Rivendell. I stood tall, well, at my full 5'2 anyway. I looked back to see the dwarves looking very uneasy, particularly the brothers. They kept glancing at me. Bilbo looked around in awe. I turned forward to see a dark haired Elf practically glide down the stairs, greeting them.

"Mithrandir." Said the elf. I looked around and saw it was mid afternoon, almost suppertime.

"Ah, Lindir!" He greeted back. The dwarves behind me were murmuring in disgust, and distrust.

"Lastannem i athrannendh i Vruinen." I understood what he said. My eyes widened. He said, 

"Nata." I said. I knew what it meant, but I didn't know how. His eyes flickered to mine, before turning to Gandalf once again. I needed help, soon.

"I must speak with Lord Elrond."

"My lord Elrond is not here."

"Not here? Where is he?" Elvish horns sounded once again. The Company turned around to see a group of horses loping toward us. The men riding were armed. Kili pulled me into the tight circle they formed.

"Ifridi bekar!" Ready weapons. "Hold ranks!" They bunched together tighter, their weapons pointed outward. The horsemen rode in circles around the dwarves. Eventually, they stopped, and a very regal looking elf separated from the others. His hair was brown and straight as an arrow, being very long. He had a long flowing robe on, and a crown that looked of branches entwined around and rested on his forehead.

"Gandalf." The Elf said. Said wizard bowed in a surprisingly graceful manner for looking old. I slithered from Kili's grip.

"Iridian!" He hissed, and I looked back, before stepping close to the wizard.

"Mellonnen! Mo evinedh?" Gandalf said.

"Farannem 'lamhoth i udul o charad. Dagannem rim na land Vedui. Nartho i noer, toltho i viruvor. Boe i annam vann a nethail vin." The elf dismounted from his horse, going to embrace the man. "Strange for Orcs to come so close to our borders. Something, or someone, has drawn them near." He held up an Orc made sword, and then handed it to the man called Lindir.

"Ah, that may have been us."

"Goheno nin." I said softly. Elrond fixed his eyes on me, and I felt the dwarves' staring at me as well. Since when could I speak Elvish? I'd never learned. At least I didn't think so. 

*Okay: So, considering all of the Elvish in here, here's a glossary in the order in which it's said. 

Lastannem i athrannendh i Vruinen: We heard you had crossed into the Valley.

Nata: Yes

  Mellonnen! Mo evinedh: My friend, where have you been  

Farannem 'lamhoth i udul o charad. Dagannem rim na land Vedui. Nartho i noer, toltho i viruvor. Boe i annam vann a nethail vin: We've been hunting a pack of Orcs that came up from the South. We slew a number near the Hidden Pass

Goheno nin: I'm sorry

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