Iron Will

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*I'm officially the worst author ever. I'm so sorry. High school swim season just started, and I didn't get to sleep until 11, and thanks to daylight saving time, it was like midnight on my body... Anyway, please enjoy, and thank you so much for getting this to 3K!*

Consciousness filled my body, but it wasn't the good consciousness. There was something missing. My eyes widened as I realized what was missing. There were no hands on my hips, no head in the crook of my neck, no warmth. No Kili. I sat up, sleepiness gone. The room was dimly lit from the dawn. Fear crawled into my heart. He was nowhere in the room. "Kili?" I murmured, stepping from the bed. I got dressed silently, getting black leggings, and a green tunic that went under my arrow wound, the sleeves starting at the top of my bicep. There was a white bandage I saw, and in the mirror, I saw the red spot of the arrow in my back.

I padded around silently, to the door. The bathroom held no light. The door opened with little difficulty. The house seemed silent, and it made me nervous. "Kili...?" I asked again, my voice quavering. Down the stairs, and into the living room. The lanterns had been lit, and it gave some comfort. But there was still no Kili. I was quite worried now. I knew he wasn't in our home.

I went and grabbed the journal I had picked up. I snagged a pen, and sat on the couch. My legs were crossed, and I opened to the first page. I hadn't had time to do anything. There was no sound in the house, and so I started to hum. "Deep in the meadow under the willow. A bed of grass a soft green pillow. Lay down your head and close your sleepy eyes. And when again they open the sun will rise. Here's it's safe and here it's warm, here the daisies guard you, from all harm. Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true, here is the place, where I, love you.

"Deep in the meadow hidden far away, a cloak of leaves, the moonbeam ray. Forget your woes and let your troubles lay and when again it's morning they'll wash away. Here's it safe and here it's warm, here the daisies guard you from all harm, here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true, here is the place, where I love you." By the time I had finished, I hadn't realized my pen had drawn an eye. It was a wolf's, but it had a very humanesque look. I realized I had drawn Kili's eye partly.

I continued doodling, sketching a rose, and writing under it, here is the place where I love you. I heard the door click open. I snapped my head up, getting off the couch in case of an intruder. Though... who would intrude on the royal quarters? The person that walked in was hardly an intruder. They set something down quickly. "Kili!" I shouted, darting over to hug him. He seemed shocked, as though wondering what it was I was doing up.

"Iridian...?" He asked softly. I pulled back, and hit him in the chest. It wasn't as strong, since I was still slightly tired.

"You scared me! You left! Where the hell have you been?" I demanded, my voice shrill. "I was actually worried." I continued.

"I thought you'd keep sleeping."

"Not without you there." I answered honestly, though it came off as angry. His eyebrow twitched up in amusement. "This doesn't mean I excuse why you were gone!" I growled, hitting him again. He grabbed my hands, lacing his fingers with mine.

"I was going to surprise you. But you kind of ruined it." He sulked, though I knew it was false. I glared at him. He let go of my hands, and turned around. He had a small basket, and inside were my favorite fruits. I gasped, and glanced at his eyes. I could see the drawing as well. "They were just right, and they hadn't died yet. Guess I was lucky." He said shyly. My anger left upon seeing it.

"That's amazing. Thank you." I muttered, kissing his lips. It only lasted a moment, until he headed to the kitchen, and I came over, hugging him from behind. "As nice as this is, don't leave again. You really worried me. I didn't know where you went, and that makes me nervous, especially after everything." I murmured against his back.

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