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*Hey guys. This is the flashback in which she had seen the boys once before the quest. Please enjoy! Thanks!*

I thought for a moment, wondering how I'd never seen them before. Then it clicked. I had, only once.

~ ~ ~

Dwalin's voice rang through our old cottage. "Dia! Come here for a moment!" I closed the book I had been reading. I was twenty, still young for a dwarf. I crept down the stairs, hoping I wasn't in trouble. I hadn't done anything recently.

"What did I do this time?" I asked as soon as I went downstairs. Dwalin turned around, an eyebrow raised.

"I don't know, what did you do?" He joked. I huffed, and crossed my arms.

"Nothing that I remember. I just thought I'd ask. Anyway, what did you call me down for?" He came over and ruffled my hair, laughing softly.

"I just wanted to let you know that we're going to have some company over tonight. Thorin, and his nephews, as well as a couple others are going to come over."

"What does this have to do with me?" I asked cautiously. He knew I wasn't a people person. They often looked at me funny for my ears.

"I just wanted to let you know that you'll have to cook for other people, and so you can keep yourself busy." He said, smiling. I nodded, and set to work in the kitchen. "They'll be here in a couple hours."

"Well what I have in mind will take that long. I can't have then come over with something ordinary." I answered, setting to work on preparing a stew. Dwalin left me to work as I hummed. "You know, you should clean up a little. Your cloaks are strewn everywhere." I called over my shoulder.

"So are yours! And your bow from hunting yesterday, and your boots!" He retorted. I laughed, cutting up some potatoes. The water continued to boil, and I went to put on my boots.

"I'm actually going to use them. I want to get some fresh rabbit." I laughed. "Just you better have those picked up by the time I come back, which will be by the time that water starts boiling." I picked up my bow, sliding the quiver over my back. I grabbed a few daggers, and went to the door, donning my black cloak as I went. "Be back soon!" I called, opening the door.

"Be careful." He said back. I closed the door as I walked, and headed toward the forest nearby. My eyes scanned the crowds and faces. As I passed dwarves, they glared slightly. They didn't like the fact I was different. It was obvious I wasn't entirely dwarf. I pulled the hood over my face. I lifted my chin, straightened my back, and continued to walk. My eyes stayed trained on the forest, not wanting to meet any gazes. Perhaps that's why I didn't see the person until I ran straight into them.

I cried out in surprise, landing on my butt. My hood fell down, revealing the harsh sun. A clattering sounded. My arrows had been knocked from their quiver. I growled in frustration. A shadow passed over my head. "Let me help you." It was a baritone voice. His hand started to reach for an arrow. I slapped it away, and gathered the last of my arrows.

"No, you won't. Do me a favor, and watch where you're going next time, you idiot. You almost broke my arrows!" I snapped. I stood, securing my quiver again, my bow in my hand. I shoved past the figure, and ran for the forest. They called my name, but I ignored them. I sighed, and ran my hand through my hair. At the edge of the forest, I took a deep breath, calming myself so I could start hunting.

I nocked an arrow, and crept around the forest on silent feet. I paused, a small rustling at my left. I stopped, and turned, drawing my bow. A plump rabbit hopped out. I aimed and shot in less than a second. The rodent couldn't run away and the arrow found the right eye. I smirked, and went to check the few traps I had set up. It was a short, relaxing walk, and I hummed softly.

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