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*Hey guys! So this is the last update from me until the 17 of July, for I am going to camp Wednesday! Sorry this chapter is just a little shorter than the others, I had no good stopping places. Thank you all so much for the reads and votes. Please continue reading, voting and commenting! See you all soon! Ciao!*

"Iridian!" Bilbo said. I shook my head, clutching it lightly.

"Just a vision. No worries. Except it seemed that Azog was riding toward Erebor. I fear this could lead to war. I don't want to tell Thorin, for he will not listen. But we need to be prepared... I am not sure, Bilbo." The sun started to set. I suppose the days were getting shorter. "Let's get some dinner started for the others. I'd imagine they're hungry." He nodded, and we headed for the area we were currently residing.

"It's just like Rivendell." I remarked as we lit the fire. He nodded, and helped in preparing a broth with rabbit. "I'll go hunt tomorrow." I mused to myself. Bilbo nodded once again. We descended into silence, until we heard murmuring of disapproval. They sounded quite annoyed. In came the dwarves, looking quite exhausted. Dwalin lead the charge, but he looked more frustrated than angry.

I stood, and made my way to him. "I take it you didn't find it?"

"We searched everywhere. But it is nowhere. We combed over every piece of gold and jewel, and it still evades us!" He growled in annoyance. "Thanks for making dinner, Iridian." He added with a tired face. He walked past me, and I made my way to the brothers, who looked very upset. I kissed Kili's cheek as I sat down, handing them rations.

"Where is it? How hard is it to find such a thing? I mean, we searched everywhere." Fili started.

"Why can't uncle just leave it be?" Kili continued, eating his ration.

"Don't you remember what Balin said? It's the dragon sickness. I can smell it. Well, not smell but more like a permeating mind sense. But whatever." I shrugged. I took a bite from Kili's piece of meat. As much as I regretted it, I was starving. "Don't you have any?"

"I had some before you all came in." I lied. His eyes showed he didn't believe me.

"Liar. There wasn't enough was there?" He asked in resignation. I shook my head.

"I'm going hunting after everyone heads to bed." I admitted. He sighed once again. He set aside the plate, and grabbed my hand. He pulled it to his lips, kissing it lightly.

"I'll go with you." He whispered softly. Fili stared on, smiling. I nodded, leaning against him.

"Aren't you all tired?" I asked to the general group.

"Quite." Came many replies. I sighed, thinking of ways to try and snap Thorin from this trance. He'd never yelled at me, or anyone for that matter. Much less over something as trivial as being king. He'd respect any of our opinions and not bring titles into anything. He wasn't himself, as I've stated.

A while later, the fire was stamped out, and soon the snores of the company was heard, exhaustion taking hold. I stood from my bedroll, and grabbed my bow and arrows. I didn't want to wake Kili, who had fallen into a doze. His face was slack, but I saw the exhaustion lines that had already formed. He turned toward Fili, and the two looked like children for a moment. My fingers gripped the familiar wood. I knew it was going to hurt a little, but it was worth it. The company was running off little food. Combined with little sleep, it was equally bad given Thorin's state.

I made it past the gates without being seen, and I stole through the night, making no sound. I saw tracks in the low moonlight, and I started to follow them. "Iridian." I whipped around, to see Kili standing with own bow and arrows. "Why didn't you wake me?" He asked, a small bit of hurt in his eyes. I winced, my shoulders slumping slightly.

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