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*Hey guys! So I'm updating this story twice today. This is in Kili's POV about meeting Iridian for the first time. So please enjoy!*

"Brother, are you sure we're not lost?" I said. Fili looked at me, frowning. He had stubbornness in his eyes.

"Of course. I know where I'm going." He snapped. I smiled good-naturedly. I'd always been better at navigating. "We made it to the Shire didn't we?" He grinned back. His blue eyes lit up.

"I'm excited about this, Fili. We finally get to see the home Uncle always talked about." I said as we continued searching for the right door.

"As am I, brother." He answered in earnest. We made our way past a market, seeing many Hobbits. We passed even more houses, and none of them showed any sign that it was the house. We wound our way further from the center of town.

"I'm starting to doubt we're even in the right part of the Shire." I teased Fili once again. He turned back at me with a small glare. "I mean, we've been looking for a long time, and we've searched just about every house here."

"But we haven't searched all of them. Like you said, we've searched just about every house. I promise we're in the right place. Where else have there been this many Hobbits?" I glared at him in annoyance. "Exactly." He answered to that.

We continued still further up the path, the houses becoming more sparse. "Where is this damn house?" Fili grumbled. I looked over, raising my eyebrow. "We're not lost! Stop it!" He growled, and shoved me. I smiled and laughed softly. There was one house, at the farthest point in the Shire.

It was the farthest away from the town square and interaction. We opened the gate, walking up the steps. Lights were on inside. There wasn't much noise. "Are you sure this is the right house?" We scanned the door, and at the very bottom, was a blue rune. It glowed strongly, but was quite small.

"Yes, I am sure. Now try not to embarrass yourself." Fili teased. My face was pulled into a frown. Before I could respond, Fili rang the doorbell. I adjusted my weapons in my arm, unsure what I'd face. The door opened to reveal the guests. My gaze swept past the entryway, to scan the inside. My eyes flickered to a figure in a black cloak.

It was a girl. She had long blond hair flowing to her waist. Her skin was porcelain, perfect in the dim light. Her skin was actually quite pale. She had high cheekbones, and a medium sharp mouth. Her lips were a light color, that was perfectly sized; the edges of her mouth were sharp, and pulled down slightly. She was extremely slim, no doubt muscular under her cloak. She seemed to have some curves, though she wasn't showing them.

Her eyes were what captivated me most. They were grey. They were the color of a cloudy sky. They were light, but held something dark. They were calculating, analytical. It was clear she used her head more than her heart. She could look at you, and know exactly how to tear you down. But something was hiding behind those eyes. There was a secret, hidden behind mystery. She reminded me of the moon, mysterious, but spontaneous. There was an understated beauty, but it was stunning, glowing.

Her eyes connected with mine, and I froze. I couldn't tear my eyes away. Seeing her grey eyes when she wasn't looking at me was one thing; seeing her eyes bore into mine directly caused my heart to skip a beat. She looked away a second later, her mouth drawn into a frown. She was peculiar, a puzzle.

Fili elbowed my ribs. I tore my eyes away, and glanced at my brother. His eyebrows rose for a moment, his lips pulled back. I pulled my own lips into a frown, and glared. We turned back to face the Hobbit. "Fili." My brother started.

"And Kili."

"At your service." We chorused, and bowed together. I came back up, a smile on my lips. I turned back to face the girl. She was watching with a calculating eye. But for a split second, when I met her eyes. I could've sworn I saw some emotion. She was a puzzle, an enigma, a mystery.

I just had to figure her out.  

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