Once Like a Brown Owl

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*Hey guys! Here's the next installment of Iridian's tale. For Valentine's Day, there's a couple cute Kilidian moments. Speaking of ship names... comment names you think it should be. Thanks!*


His hands left my face, and he stood up, reaching a hand down. "Come on. We have pony watching to do." The sun had set, as it was now twilight. The twinkle in his eyes shone brightly even in the dim lighting. I took his hand and he hoisted me up. We looked out and counted the ponies.

"Kili? I counted fifteen."

"As did I, brother."

"I did as well." I mumbled. "There were seventeen." We stood there, looking for any clues as to where the ponies might have gone. There were large uprooted trees. How did we not hear that?

"Whatever took them was very large." I started, feeling very dumb. Where else was there to go with that? A noise alerted me to someone behind us. We stood there, knowing it was someone from the company. Bilbo appeared in between Fili and I, holding three bowls of soup. None of us took it as we stared into the twilight.

"What's the matter?" Bilbo said curiously.

"We're supposed to be looking out for the ponies." Kili and I said in a hurried tone. We glanced at each other, and smiled. I started to put my weapons on, unsure what we'd face.

"Only," Fili said, turning to Bilbo. "We've encountered a slight problem. We had seventeen. Now there's fifteen."

Upon closer inspection, we realize which two were missing. "Daisy and Bungo are missing." Kili claimed. He was right. Bilbo followed us still carrying the soup. Kili and I went to inspect the uprooted trees in more detail.

"Well, that's not good. That is not good at all. Shouldn't we tell Thorin?"

"Uhh, no." Fili said, waving a hand in dismissal. "Let's not worry him. As our official burglar, we thought you might like to look into it." Bilbo wandered to the uprooted trees and examined them.

"Well, uh... look, something big uprooted the trees."

"That was our thinking." Kili and I said again. I glowered at him and made a cut it out motion. He pointed at me and did the same.

"You two." Fili hissed in amusement.

"Something very big, and possibly quite dangerous." Bilbo continued. I rolled my eyes at the Hobbit.

"Hey! There's a light. Over here! Stay down." Fili said. We crept to a log, and knelt down. Bilbo set the soup down. Harsh laughter sounded from where the light was from. It was quite an ugly sound.

"What is it?" Bilbo said.

"Trolls." Kili answered. The three of us jumped over the log and started running over to the fire. I glanced back and see Bilbo go back for the soup, and then following us. Bilbo hid behind a large tree, as we all watch a troll walk toward the fire. Fili yanked me back a few feet. "You looked a little close. Sorry." He said. I raised an eyebrow and continued watching.

"He's got Myrtle and Minty! I think they're going to eat the ponies, we have to do something." Bilbo said in a hushed tone.

"Yes; you should." Kili and I chorused. I looked at him once again and motioned for him to continue. He smirked at his victory.

"Mountain trolls are slow and stupid, and you're so small, they'll never see you."

"No, no, no..." Bilbo started. I snorted lightly.

"It's perfectly safe! We'll be right behind you." Kili said, grabbing two bowls of soup, handing one to me.

"If you run into trouble, hoot twice like a barn owl, one like a brown owl." Fili grabbed the last bowl. The two pushed him toward the fire, and I heard him whispering what Fili had said.

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