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*Hey guys! I'm back! Again, sorry I wasn't able to update, but I had no service while I was at camp. Thanks for reading, so here's the next bit! I will still be updating every Monday just so you guys know. Comment, read, vote, and share. Thanks so much! Ciao!*

I gasped, shuddering in many breaths. They came faster and faster, my heartbeat erratic and four of my beats matched one of Kili's. Tears rushed down my cheeks. I felt Kili's arms tighten, and he stirred. "Iridian?" He mumbled groggily. He sobered quickly upon realizing the mental state I was in. "Woah, what happened?"

I grabbed him, clutching his tunic, letting tears run down my nose, dripping onto his neck. "Oh gods. You're here. You're really here." I whispered. He pulled me closer, his hands trailing against my back.

"What do you mean? I never left. Men metup." He said. He always says that when I was 'far away.' I grasped him tighter. "Iridian. What's going on? Geez, your heart's beating so fast. Hey, just breathe." I'd had this nightmare repeatedly. But I never told him. I always made something else up. I suppose it was time to tell him.

I took a couple staccato breaths. Then I rested my head against his shoulder, never letting my grip on him loosed. "Those nightmares you'd ask about? The ones I always said was nothing? They were of you dying. Every time, there's a new detail. Either way, an Orc stabs you, and you die in my arms." He stiffened. Then he pulled me into his lap, letting my head rest against his chest. His heart was steady compared to mine.

"How long have you had them?" I paused, trying to pinpoint when.

"It started the night we were in the Misty Mountains. Fili had woken up. But then it went away for a while. And then for the year after the Carrock to Beorn's, they picked up every couple weeks. And they slacked off recently, until just now." I answered honestly. "I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything." I added.

His hand combed through my hair, soothing my racing heart. It had gone down slowly, but still wasn't normal. Thump thump. It was so constant, and I needed that. "Amralime. You should have told me."

"There's a lot of things I should have done, Kili. But I was afraid to tell you. I didn't know how to explain I have having recurring nightmares about you dying. It's not that easy when I'm anxious. I know I shouldn't be, but that doesn't stop me, you know?" I felt him nod.

"I understand. But, tell me these things. I can't help you if I don't know." He answered. I nodded in response. When I closed my eyes, the images of him lifeless passed through my mind. I jumped, grabbing the front of his tunic. "Hey, it's alright. I'm right here. Hey... come on." He said, picking me up.

I didn't object as he lead me toward the gold room. I knew where he was going even if he never said so. Once we got there, he sat against a pillar, and I rested against his chest. My knees were pulled to my chest, and I clasped his hands in mine. His fingers rubbed my knuckles, in a soothing matter. "So... I got a vision earlier today after Thorin made me leave." I started. I felt his head tilt because of the chin that rested on the crown of my head.

I gave a summary of what happened leaving out Bilbo and such, and I felt him stiffen. "You can't be serious?"

"Do you think I'd joke about this? This is serious. And I don't want to tell Thorin. He's not in the right mindset to receive that news." I added. I looked up to Kili, and his tilted his down to look at me.

"I wouldn't tell him, but that's very worrying."

"I told you what I was thinking was rational and totally worth thinking about!" I said half teasingly.

"You're always right, men tharreth." He said, pressing his lips to mine for a moment.

"What if we get into a war? What if we die...? Kili, I'm not ready to die, nor can I afford to-"

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