Dance of the Soul

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*Hey guys! I have some news... I am sad to say that after this, there will only be one more chapter to be uploaded after this. Thanks again for sticking with Iridian and this entire journey! Please share, vote, comment, all that good stuff!*

Dwalin took my hand, leading me onto the floor in a medium paced jig, one that made me laugh out loud as he lead me across the floor. When the music stopped, everyone clapped, having enjoyed the performance as well. We excited the floor, and Dis and Kili stepped forward, dancing with a song slightly slower, it was easy, and flowing. It made me smile at how much he enjoyed spending time with his mother.

Then it was our turn. I was nervous. He took my hand, bringing me onto the floor. He set his hand on my waist, sending a shiver up my spine, and his other hand grabbed mine. I must have looked afraid. "Just follow my lead. It'll be okay. It's just you and me." He said so only I could hear. I nodded, smiling. It was slow song, and he stepped in a waltz. We traversed the dance floor with ease and grace, and I looked into Kili's eyes, not bothering with the others watching. When the song ended, my nose was nearly touching his, and everyone clapped.

The musicians started to play more upbeat music, allowing everyone to start dancing. A familiar set of arms, not my husband's, grabbed me in a dance. He was on the slower side of the beat. I saw Fili's eyes, twinkling in mischief. "Congratulations, namad. Now I can really call you that. I couldn't ask for a better sister." He said, headbutting me gently.

"I couldn't ask for a better brother." I responded, smiling. I spun under Fili's arms, and into my loves. "What?" I asked in confusion, before understanding.

"Do we have to do this on my wedding night, brother?" Kili asked as we moved as one. Before I knew it, I heard Fili's response in my ear.

"Of course. We've always done this." He laughed, and I did as well. I had always enjoyed it. It was fun, and easy to get used to moving between the two. It was natural almost.

"Fine then. I shall steal your bride on your wedding night. Reminder, I am younger and I got married first!" Kili said triumphantly, kissing me as he finished. I rolled my eyes at their childness, but I loved it anyway. We continued around the floor, and he spun me out, only for Fili to sweep me away.

"You wouldn't, brother." He said in accusation. I laughed. "You don't mind this, do you?" He asked, seeming concerned. I shook my head, following his lead, slightly slower than Kili's.

"No. It's a sign of how close we are. We're such a close knit group. It also shows how we've still maintained our childness despite the journey's obstacles." I answered. Fili smiled, and let me go, letting Kili step in.

"I suppose you're right. But I will let you go back to your husband, dear namad." I smiled, and looked into dark brown. The flecks of green were constantly there, and it made my teeth poke out from my lips. The music slowed, and we matched the beat, and I felt our breaths match up as well.

I wasn't sure how long we had danced, but I felt like my feet were going to fall off. I was glad Dis hadn't made me wear heels. It must have been a long time. Some dwarves and men had left, heading to bed. We decided to end the wedding, as we understood the looks upon our faces. I clapped my hands, getting everyone's attention. "We thank you all for coming to this special night. But we must call it to an end. We shall see you around the kingdom. Thank you again, and good night." I said in a strong voice.

There was cheering, and many had returned my farewell. The company was left, and I addressed them. "Thank you for being on this journey together. It surely was unforgettable. We are home now, and we are family." Bofur stepped forward, hugging me. He kissed my cheek in a drunken state.

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