That, My Boy, Is a Dragon

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*Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been updating. I have finals, so my posts might be a little sporadic until the end of next week. This is the last part to The Desolation of Smaug! Yay! Please keep reading, voting, commenting and sharing. Thanks guys!*

Bard looked to me, and then Fili. "Keep my children safe. I'm placing their lives in your hands." He ordered. He swept through the door, and the wood barricade closed with an ominous creak. Silence descended on our group. Their safety, and the others', really rested with me. I was the only one with weapons. A weight settled on my shoulders. If anything happened, it would be all my fault.

The silence was shattered as Kili cried out in pain again, writhing on the bed. I rushed to his side, placing a hand on his cheek. It burned like dying embers. "Hey. Kili. Listen to me. I know you can hear me. It's going to be okay. You'll be okay. Just... hold on." I said, my voice cracking at the end. He seemed to relax a little upon hearing my voice.

Sigrid walked outside the front door, presumably to look for her father. I wanted to use my abilities to see how Bilbo was doing, but I had no time to do such a thing. A creak resounded through the house, and I heard Sigrid call out. "Da? Is that you, Da?" Alarms rang in my head.

"Sigrid... Come back inside..." I said cautiously. Another noise came from the roof, and we all snapped our heads up. She turned to come back inside as I asked, and an Orc dropped onto the balcony inside. She screamed, slamming the door. She couldn't get it closed, for the Orc stopped it with his sword. Bain, Tilda, and the other dwarves jumped up.

I pulled out my daggers, considering my swords were to long in this confined space. Another door opened, and an Orc strode inside. Oin threw a stack of plates, but yet another Orc broke through the roof falling into the house. The one that came from the balcony swung at Sigrid. She fell back over a table bench, screaming. She slid under the table, pulling the bench sideways as a shield.

Fili started to grapple with an Orc using his bare hands. More Orcs swarmed into the small home. Tilda threw a plate, and Sigrid pulled her under the table. "Get down!" Three Orcs slunk over to me, and they grabbed my wrists. I rolled my wrists out, but I felt them twist, my cuts stretching. By Mahal. I ducked as two took shots again, and they rammed each other. Bain was threatened by a creature, but he pushed the bench at it, knocking it over. He then grabbed the bench, hitting the orc in the head. One approached Kili, and before I could react, I was grabbed by the hair.

The monster held the roots of my hair, growling. He threw me backward, and I crashed into a glass cabinet. The glass pieces buried into my skin, and I cried out. I tumbled to the floor, some shards embedding further into my skin, a few cut my face, and small one stayed in my cheek. I grit my teeth, a strangled cry ripping out. I had miraculously kept my grip on my weapons. The Orc hoisted me up once again, and his breath reeked, making my senses dizzy.

He brought his dagger to my throat, and I summoned the strength to move my knife. It buried into his chest, and the Orc released me. I fell to my knees, trying to breathe. A shadow fell over, and an Orc sneered down at me. I threw my dagger, and it protruded through its neck.

The girls screamed in terror, and I rose to my feet, making my way in front of the girls. I felt the blood slicking my torso, but I stood strong. The Orc had flipped the table. Two more appeared, and I gripped my daggers. Throwing them at the same time, the two flanking my sides dropped dead. I was about to face the third, when suddenly, Tauriel appeared, stabbing it in the throat. I had never been so happy to see that Elf and I probably never would.

She took out her other knife, and started killing the other Orcs. I limped over to collect my daggers, wiping the black blood on the victims. Legolas jumped through a hole on the roof, killing Orcs. I looked around for Kili, to see an Orc grabbing him by the wounded leg.

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