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*Hey guys! After this there will only be two more official parts of this story. It's coming to an end. I'm so glad you all have read this and stuck by the journey of Iridian and Kili. This is a really short section, but I know you'll love the next one. Thanks again so much! Ciao!*

I stood in front of the returned Erebor dwarves, my head held high despite how much I wanted to hide within the recesses of my cloak I was not wearing. I was wearing the blue dress Elrond had given me. After a wash last night, it was good as new. Kili was at my side, on the left of Thorin. Fili was on the right, accompanied by his mother. Dwalin and the company were in the first rows, watching in pride.

Balin stood in front of the two of us. "Do you, Thorin Oakenshield, promise to uphold Erebor and help it thrive?" He asked.

"I shall protect it to my last breath, ensuring it is great once again." The king vowed. I beamed from ear to ear. The lost King Under the Mountain has been found, and placed where he belongs. Balin set the king's crown upon Thorin's head. He turned to me, a grandfather smile upon his face.

"Do you Iridian, promise to be a loyal Erebor princess, ensuring that all deals are dealt with fairly? Do you promise to help the princes should the king need to step down?" The advisor asked. I took a breath, looking into my almost brother-in-law's eyes, and then my own fiancé's. Their eyes were proud, and I saw them all subtly nod.

"I promise to uphold Erebor with all I have to offer." I said with a voice that resonated into the corners of the large room. They all waited on bated breath. All of them looked upon with proud eyes, not caring that I wasn't entirely dwarf, in fact I was barely dwarf. Balin put a small crown made of jewels and metals, in very geometric designs, upon my head delicately. It was Dis', but she insisted I use it for this until a more suiting one would be made.

"Citizens of Erebor, please welcome the Princess Under the Mountain, Iridian, betrothed to the Prince Kili!" Applause shattered the silence, with whoops and whistles. Dwalin's eyes shone in joy, and I could've sworn his eyes were glistening in both the twilight, and the lamp light. "Citizens of Erebor," Balin started again, getting their attention. "The King Under the Mountain has returned! Long live King Thorin!"

The cheers were deafening, and I beamed. Kili's hand wound with mine, and I looked to his face in a grin. Fili's was as well. "Please come celebrate with us in the Great Hall, a great feast has been prepared!" Thorin said to the audience. His voice was powerful, ringing through even the loudest of whistles. The audience made their way out, leaving the company, and us.

"Dia... you're all grown up." Dwalin sniffed.

"Don't think I didn't see those tears, Dwalin." I wagged my finger as we made our way to great hall.

"I wasn't crying! I don't cry."

"Says the one who cried when I came back to life." I retorted.

"That's different. Just because you're a princess, doesn't mean I can't kick your ass in a fight." He challenged.

"I'd like to see you try." I rolled my eyes. He laughed, clapping me on the shoulder.

"Either way, Dia. I'm just proud about the fact you're officially grown up, a princess at that!" He exclaimed as we made our way for the great hall.

"Was I not officially grown up before?" I demanded.

"You'll always be my wee lass." He relented. "But, at least you're more of a grown up." I let the conversation go as I was appeased with the answer. We went through the hall doors, toward a table dedicated to your company in the front. The citizens of Erebor and Dale stood, bowing as we walked by. I shrunk under the gazes. Kili's hand tightened on mine, tilting my chin up with the other.

"Smile. You look beautiful, and everyone loves you." He breathed in my ear, causing my face to heat up to a red I couldn't see. We finally made it to the table. Fili sat to Thorin's right, Dis to his right. Kili sat to Thorin's left, I to his left as well. The company filed in as well, Dwalin taking his place next to me, Balin next to Dis. I filled up half a glass of ale, and started taking the food that in front of me. It was amazing.

"Bombur, once again your cooking astounds me. Of course you have a proper kitchen now, making it all the better." I complimented. The jolly dwarf smiled under the compliment.

"Thank you, princess." I shook my head immediately.

"To this company, I am only Iridian. Do not call me that or set me apart. I have done as much as you, and you are all equal to me." I said simply, and they all nodded their thanks. "Now let us celebrate, for the King Under the Mountain has returned, and Erebor is officially ours!" I said, raising the glass of ale to my lips. The company cheered in response, digging into their own meals.

"I do have something for you, King Thorin." I said, grasping the Arkenstone in its pouch. The entire table went silent, eyes questioning. Kili and Fili looked at me with anxious stares.

"What would that be?" He asked. I produced the brown sack from behind my back, with a little flourish. The company laughed at the antic, before settling in to wonder what was in there. I handed it to Thorin, who took it hesitantly. His eyes gazed at it, and back at me. Back and forth it happened. "What is it?" He asked again.

"Open it, and you shall see." I smiled. He looked dubious, before untying the strings. He tilted the bag so that the item slid into his awaiting palm. The Arkenstone shone in his hands, reflecting in the eyes of the shocked king. It even glanced off the faces of the company. "I know you said you didn't care what happened to it, but a king deserves a jewel worthy of his greatness. Besides, what was I going to do with it?"

"How did you get this?" He whispered in something close to awe as he turned in his hands multiple times. There was no greed, only happiness, and something that looked like nostalgia.

"Bard gave it to me while we were settling affairs. I decided to return it back to its rightful owner, as I promised." He slid the stone back into its pouch, putting it into a pocket.

"I shall place it upon the throne when it is rebuilt. Thank you." He said sincerely.

"Nothing to thank me for. Just doing my duty. Now, let's eat!" Again the group cheered, and dug into the glorious feast placed in front of us.

I was about to take a bite of the turkey I had on my plate when a shadow appeared over my food. I looked up, to see Nunri, his eyes actually looking remorseful. "Princess, I would like to express my apologies right now. I had not realized you were betrothed to Prince Kili, and that you were a princess. I offer my sincerest apologies about yesterday." I paused, putting my finger to my chin.

"I accept your apology. But that does not mean you are truly sorry. You are apologizing because you know I am princess now. Are you sorry for disrespecting a woman, when our culture calls for respecting us as we are few and far between?"

"Yes, my lady." He responded.

"Then do not make the same mistake again, and remember to respect all dwarrows, and not just because of their titles." I said, and I sent him away kindly. "Thank you for apologizing. It's a step." I said as he walked back to his friends. The company looked speechless. "It's nothing." I responded, eating the bite I had intended to.

"That's a true princess." Kili whispered in my ear. I glanced sidelong, hitting him in the thigh gently before going back to talking. The rest of the night was a blur of memories. All I knew what that I felt no different, except that I had a home to which I belonged. I had a home where people no longer hated me for being mostly elf, and it felt like a step in the right direction after so long of hating my kin.  

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