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I groaned, walking into my chamber, flopping onto the bed. I laid there, arms spread, staring at the ceiling. I moved my shoulder slightly, not wanting to stretch it. We had just been dealing with the dwarves, trying to settle how much was enough to give the men to rebuild Dale. They would live there, as they were happier there than Laketown. We would work on Esgaroth later. We would settle final agreements with Bard tomorrow. I would deal with Thranduil later.

No one would agree in giving more than two hundred pieces. I knew they needed a little more than that, but no one was letting me. Mostly it was Dain. Why was he even allowed to be in such places of diplomacy? I growled slightly. "What is it, dear?" Kili said, sitting next to me. I met his eyes, and saw the green flecks in them.

"Dain! Why is he even allowed in diplomacy matters?! You and I both know that the villagers of Dale need more than that to rebuild such a city and so many lives! I swear... he's just trying to keep me away from making any decisions. He must have remembered what I said two nights ago." Yes, Thorin had today and tomorrow to say his goodbye's.

"I don't doubt that, but I could tell people were on your side, but Dain is a fearsome man sometimes." He said softly. I nodded. I went back to thinking about Thorin. There had to be someway to save him. But how? His wound was fatal, and nothing Oin did was working. There had to be something. My mind wandered in and out of my paths, trying to recall something, anything. "What're you thinking about, men metup?" Kili's voice came from far away, and I knew I had ventured deep into my mind.

"Just thinking that there has to be some way to save Thorin. He deserves a full life as king. But he is dying. I wish there was something I could do. I failed at saving him this time, and nothing Oin has done has slowed his death." I said. I paused, remembering how hopeless it had seemed after my fiancé was wounded. I sat up quickly, causing Kili to start.

Kili was healed by Tauriel, by Kingsfoil. I remember my injuries, aching from the standing still, and how the elf could not do anything. What had she said. It's for a poison, and heals more magical injuries, or from near death. Yes. That was it! And what was the spell? Menno o nin na hon i eliad annen annin, hon leitho o ngurth. That was it too. Near death... I stood quickly, my eyes lighting up. "That it!!" I shouted. "I know what to do!" I grabbed my bow and swords, strapping them on quickly. I grabbed a pouch as well.

I ran for the door, ignoring the pain in my still healing legs. I took a right, toward the entrance of Erebor. I passed dwarves, who glanced at me strangely. "Amralime! Iridian! Wait!" I did not listen, not wanting to forget. "Iridian! Slow down, men tharreth!" He continued calling. I finally stopped once I reached the outside. I took a deep breath, my body throbbing at the sudden physical activity. "Iridian! You can't just do that!" Kili panted as he caught up with me.

"Athelas!" I shouted after he said that. I grabbed his shoulders. "That's it! Athelas!" I shook him slightly. Kili grabbed mine in an attempt to stop me from running again. His eyes were very bewildered, his lips pulled into a flummoxed expression. "Kili, that's it! I figured it out! I know what to do!"

"Figured what out? What's going on? Slow down!" He said, trying to keep up.

"Do you remember what Tauriel said about athelas? Kingsfoil, the thing that saved you?" He paused, trying to recall. I didn't want to wait. "Athelas can heal a magical wound, or from near death! If I do this right, I can bring back Thorin from near death. I know the spell, I just have to find it!" He remained silent, a pensive look upon his face. Then, his eyes widened as the realization and thinking dawned on him.

"You're brilliant! That's brilliant! You remembered! You're right! We can save Thorin! You can bring him back!" He wrapped his arms around me and I laughed, returning it. He held my face in his hands, beaming at me. "Do you really think you can do it? Do you remember the spell?" I nodded in earnest.

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