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*Hey guys! So... this is Iridian's actual backstory. This is a memory from Thranduil's point of view for the most part, so it never really says I often in this in case. Sorry this is short and lacking details. Please enjoy... I've been waiting to post this forever. Also... this is so close to 1K, can we please get it there before I update next? Please? Thanks again guys! Please vote, comment, and share!!*

A small fire was lit, and four Woodland Elves were gathered around it, their weapons over their knees, eyes alert and scanning the world beyond the firelight. It was maybe 2:00 in the morning, and the moon hung low in the sky, only a small sliver. All was silent. Much to silent. All that could be heard was the fire crackling and popping. Two Elves had blond hair, one with grey eyes, the other with green. They turned away from the fire, scanning the darkness beyond.

When they turned around, their companions were dead. "Night raid!" The female, Aerlinniel, cried out, awakening the party. Hell broke loose. Orcs lumbered out at alarming speeds, meeting Elvish steel. Thranduil appeared, looking alarmed, his sword strapped to him. The Pale Orc materialized, baring his fangs, advancing on the king. The two Elves, presumably my parents, ran in front of the Woodland ruler.

"Do not protect me! Protect Iridian!" He said in Elvish.

"They will not find her. You are our responsibility." The male, Beriothien, answered back, his eyes blazing as mine do in a battle. Azog struck, and the two blocked and retaliated in perfect harmony. The Pale Orc backed away, my parents closing the gap. Around, more Orcs and Elves fell dead, at almost the same rate. My parents were lead away from their king, surrounded by at least a dozen Orcs themselves.

Azog growled something along the lines of 'kill them.' The creatures surged onto the pair, and they stood back to back, fending off the attackers with agility, grace, and ease. It reminded me of how Kili and I fought. Some Orcs' blows landed, for my parents bled from their arms. More enemies fell, and yet it seemed they never tired. It gave a sense of pride at how they could fight. An Orc shot an arrow, which pierced my mother's side. She screamed, dropping her sword, falling to her knees.

My father finished off the rest of the foes singlehandedly, throwing a dagger to the archer. He turned around for a fraction of a second, before finishing one last Orc who lurked behind him. I see where the fighting talent came from. After he checked his surroundings, he knelt down, holding his wife. He whispered to her. "You'll be alright." My mother shook her head. The arrow had pierced her lung judging by the position of the arrow. "You have to be."

"Take care of Dia." She coughed up blood, and it trickled down her pale skin. "Amin mela lle. Tenna' ento lye omenta." The light left her eyes, and she went limp, a final exhale leaving her bloodstained lips.

"Cormamin niuve tenna' ta elea lle au'." My father whispered, kissing her cold lips once more. He howled in grief, placing his forehead to hers. Tears leaked from his eyes, falling onto her pale cheeks. He looked so broken, agonized, and far away from reality. The similarities between us all were quite apparent. 

A growl sounded low from behind him. It was Azog. "Just do it. I cannot live without her." My father rasped, tears pouring down his face. The Pale Orc took out his sword, and rammed it into my father's chest. He gave a strangled cry, and dropped back next to his wife. "I'm sorry, Iridian." He breathed with his last breath, and he was dead next to my mother.

Azog grinned, and walked away. A little distance away, a little figure crawled from a tent, looking at the other wreckage. She had white blond hair, and little, wide, grey eyes. She spotted her parents' bodies. It was me. A ten year old me. She passed the faces of the fallen elves, and fallen orcs. Her face worse confusion. The last thing she had remembered was her mother telling her to never come out until she had gotten there. She sat there, hands clamped over her ears, unable to drown out the screams and steel hitting steel.

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