To Save the Durin's

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Azog pulled back his arm replaced sword, about to skewer Fili. It took all I had not to scream for my brother, not to give away my hiding place. I raised my bow in a panic, aiming for only half a second. I had to hope I wouldn't hit him in the process. The sword started to move forward, and I shot. It went clean through Azog's wrist. He roared in anger. He dropped Fili in pain, and my brother landed on the ground hard.

I hoisted him up, and dragged him behind a pillar. "Iridian." He breathed, pulling me into a hug for a moment, shaking at the near death moment. Azog screamed in fury. He pulled out the arrow, looking for where it came from, unable to find me. He sent out Orcs, and they swarmed down. I saw Kili disappear, presumably to find where we were. I cursed. Now how were we going to find him? Thorin ran out, to go avenge his father.

"Kili!" Thorin screamed as he ran. Fili had pulled back, looking at me for what to do next.

"Thorin!" Dwalin said. "Thorin, NO!" He shouted. I grabbed Fili's hand, having put my bow away, drawing a blade.

"We need to move and find Kili. Now." I said. I ran for the staircase I last saw him go and saw a fork in the way. I took the right, and kept going. Then I heard grunting and steel from the left. I turned around, and Fili followed, his eyes wide in panic. We took the other staircase, and continued running, over fallen bodies. "Please don't be to late. Please. Melamin!" I shouted. Fili clamped his hand over my mouth for a moment, looking at me dead in the eyes.

"Shh!" Fili said as we followed the trail of dead bodies.I knew Kili's style anywhere, and this was it. A swarm of orcs came across us, and we stood back to back, dual blades at the ready. "Ready, namad?" He said. I nodded, and we fended off the attackers back to back, no one getting close. Two arms glances later, we continued running, and I heard steel once again.

"Kili!" I shouted, hoping he would hear me. We ran into a small area that had a roof, and other passages and a staircase, and we ran up the stairs with little problem. I heard someone scream Kili's name, and he shouted back.

"Tauriel!" I shouted, trying to find them. We took twists and turns and the sounds were getting farther away. We turned back, following the sounds, for there were little bodies anymore to mark a trail. "Please don't be to late. Please." I screamed his name as another four orcs came. We killed them as we ran, and we turned a corner. I saw a flash of green, and Tauriel on the ground, wounded. I whipped out my bow, nocking an arrow.

I pointed it at a sight that almost made me drop it. Kili was bent upward toward Bolg, his chest facing the huge mace. "No!" I screamed, refusing to let my nightmare become a reality. I shot an arrow into Bolg's wrist, and then back, arm, bicep, shoulder, side, knee, anything. He let go of Kili, looking at me with hatred in his eyes. I pulled out my swords as Fili and I prepared to fight. Bolg advanced, his mouth drawn into a sneer.

I heard a scream of anger as Tauriel launched herself at Bolg, many of the arrows breaking and embedding further into the Orc's skin. He growled and tried to throw her off, leading toward a precipice. He tried to throw her off, and she spun around his neck, launching over the side, crying out in the process. "Tauriel!" I shouted, looking over the edge. I didn't see her. I then turned back to see Fili hugging his brother ferociously. He was as well.

"Melamin! Kili!" I shouted. Fili pulled back as I sprinted into his arms. He held me tight against his chainmail, and tears escaped my eyes as he buried his face into my neck. "I thought I lost you. Oh my gods." I murmured, gripping tighter, afraid he was a mirage. He pulled back and kissed me fiercely.

"No. Not with you protecting me, I won't be lost." He said gently. I nodded, and pulled him up. The three of us stared, before collapsing into each other's arms, holding tight. This only lasted for a few moments. "I said we'd protect each other." Kili muttered.

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