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*Hey guys! So this is the last official part of this story! It was such an honor to write this, and I had so much fun! Please share this story, and check out my other works. Keep an eye out for Harry Potter, Ranger's Apprentice, Newt Scamander, and maybe a couple others. Thanks again guys! Ciao!*

Sixty years later

My eyes opened lazily, upon feeling the sun on my face. I yawned, shifting from my position. My back was against the bare torso of my love's. Upon feeling the movement, his own brown eyes, turned amber with green from the light, opened as well. I rolled so my chin was resting against his chest. My arm draped over his abs, and I smiled. His arm was resting against my lower back naturally.

His hair was mussed from sleep, sticking out in all directions. His own smile was lazy, still muddled with sleep. I leaned up, pressing my lips to his in a sweet kiss. His lips moved against mine in harmony for a few moments. "We should get up. We have to get ready to leave in a few hours." I whispered. He laughed, and it still had sleep in it. It was my favorite part of waking up.

"Of course. I'll get a breakfast ready." His husky voice said. I nodded, and he pecked my forehead briefly before getting up. He slid on a tunic as he walked out, his trousers resting low on his hips. I smirked. "I know you're staring. Even after all this time." He called as he turned the corner, down the hall. I shook my head, rolling my eyes. Of course I was staring. I always would.

I'd always stare at him, and wonder how I found him. Always. I slid from the comfortable blankets, my husband's old travel tunic hanging down my legs. I went to the small vanity, picking up the brush on the top. I brushed out my hair, naturally avoiding the courting braid, which had been braided down so less hair was hanging below the clasp. Plaiting my hair to keep the bangs out the way, I went to the closet after clasping it together with the silver clip Dwalin gave me for my fiftieth birthday.

I didn't have to look long before choosing the green tunic exposing my shoulders, and dark brown leggings. I took off the tunic I used to sleep in, before gazing at my scars. I had many. The long jagged scar from Goblin Town was no longer raised, but still an obvious imprint on my skin. There were a few from the glass cabinet on my forearms and torso. The arrow wound in my calf was no more than a line, and another thin one on my thigh from the great Orc chase to Rivendell. There was a small white line on my cheek, but it never changed anything.

I slid on the clothes over my muscular body. It had returned to it's proper form, no longer overly skinny. I turned to see the scar from another arrow in a line just above the tunic. I exited the hall, looking into the clean study, seeing our weapons on the rack in the room. I smiled, as they were newly sharpened. I padded down the stairs on silent feet, coming behind Kili silently. My arms snaked around his waist, and he jumped slightly. He turned in my arms, his own finding my hips.

"You know how I love that tunic." He complimented, putting a lingering kiss on the corner of my mouth. "I set breakfast on the table. Do you want me to wake them?" I shook my head, stepping from his grip.

"I'll wake them." I said, climbing the stairs again. "You're staring. Even after all this time." I called. I paused, turning to see his brown eyes, green flecks still shining in them, staring at my figure. I shook my head teasingly, before finishing my trek up the stairs. I went down the hall a few feet, before going into one of the extra rooms. Two beds were in the large room, and two sleeping figures.

I walked toward the window, exposing the sunlight. None of them moved. I approached the bed closest to the window. There was a tuft of black hair poking from the blanket, and nothing more. I smiled, and shook the figure burrowed under the covers. He groaned, pulling the blanket over his head more. I chuckled softly, peeling the blanket from his fingers. "Mum..." He groaned.

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