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*Hey guys! I can't deny I cried a little writing this... Anyway, thanks for putting up with my bad updating. I'm working on so many projects for myself, writingwise, but also with school. Finals are soon, and swimming is in full swing, and is getting a little hectic. The image above is kind of how it would look, and it's sunnier. Also, rabbit rabbit! May your December's be filled with goodness, and amazing holidays! Anyway, please enjoy this! Thanks!*

Light was what I saw behind closed eyelids. Sunlight, warm upon my face. Was this death? The afterlife? I groaned. I felt light, yet I felt like lead. I tried to open them, but it was like they were glued shut. I waited a moment, trying to tap my fingers. At some point, I wasn't sure how long, my fingers started to move slightly. I kept going, until I could move them freely.

I did that to my whole body, allowing myself to loosen up. It felt like I didn't even know my body anymore, like I was little again, learning how to move my being. When I felt less like lead, I tried to open my eyes. They opened slowly, like there was weight upon them. It was bright. Sunlight stabbed my eyes, and I blinked lazily, trying to get used to it.

I groaned, and it didn't sound like my voice. It was hoarse, scratchy, low. Unfamiliar. I could find myself staring at the sky, uninhibited from the sun's glare. The sky was a bright blue, only wisps of clouds accompanying. It would be picturesque; it was picturesque. There was soft grass underneath my fingertips, and it was comforting. It felt like I was in the real world, but I knew I wasn't.

I sat up slowly, blinking again. I groaned once again, rubbing my eyes, and feeling my form. It was the same; and yet it was entirely different. My hair was the same, my figure hadn't changed from when I had collapsed. But... Nothing was hurting. I rolled up my sleeves, and saw no injuries whatsoever. I felt for my other wounds, and there were none. I did not feel my ribs, rather the muscle that was there in full.

The babbling of a brook reached my sensitive ears. I paused, before finally taking in my surroundings. It was a clearing. It was something out of the stories I read. It was perfect, scenic. The grass was an ideal length, not to long or to short; it was green as could be, and it smelled sweet. The breeze that floated through the glade was small, making the grass wave. It was warm, not to hot or cold. Trees that were fully bloomed and grown surrounded it, giving dappled shadows as I looked into it. It wasn't an ominous shadow, but a beautiful one. But I felt like I didn't want to go there quite yet.

There was a small stream flowing through on the left side. There were rocks for sitting as well. The clearing was dotted with small white and purple flowers. Raspberry and blackberry bushes lined the edges where there was sun. The sun itself was bright, but not overbearing. It was very calm. I tucked my knees under my body, and stood gently, testing my strength. I wasn't even halfway up when I fell down again.

I took a breath, and stood again slowly. I shook once my knees straightened. I looked at my arms again, crossing them over my body. I was wearing what I had been before I came here. My tunic was cleaned, and my hair was immaculate. Looking down at my hands again, Kili's ring was still glimmering on my hand. I felt for the courting braid, and found it there again.

Where was I? Where was anyone? Would I be condemned to be alone for all eternity? "Welcome, lellig." The voice was so familiar, and yet it sounded foreign. I knew the word, and that only confused me. I looked around slowly, looking for the source of that melodic voice. I realized it sounded like mine, just more mature. I turned in a half circle, still standing in the center of the glade. In front of me, at the edge of the trees, taking steps closer, was a woman.

She stopped ten feet from me, and stared at me. Who was this? I took in the straight blonde hair. It was the same white tresses as mine, only two shades darker. Her eyes were deep clouds. They looked like a sky just before it stormed. It was intensely calming. She was tall, about Tauriel's height. She was slender, with smaller curves than mine. Her skin was porcelain, the same color as mine. She was gorgeous. I narrowed my eyes, wondering where I had seen her before. It slammed into my consciousness full force."M-m-mamad...?" I stuttered, tears choking my throat.

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