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"Kili?" I asked once again. He hummed against the crown of my head, allowing me to continue. "Can we visit Tilda and Sigrid and Bain someday? Bard is coming tomorrow to settle final arrangements, but not the kids. I want to see them again." I murmured.

"Of course. Anything for you, my love." One side of my mouth quirked in a close-lipped smile.

"Then can we find Tauriel as well? I never saw her after the battle." I said worriedly.

"Yes. I know how you and her became close friends. We shall try and find her someday." I couldn't stop smiling as he agreed to help me. "When this is all over, and we're finally together for real, we'll look for her." I nodded against his head.

"God I hate diplomacy. I need to make sure that Dain never gets in another diplomatic event ever. Fighting is so much easier." I grumbled. Kili's laugh resonated through my back, buzzing through my body.

"You're handling it brilliantly. Better than I would. And I know Fili is glad you can respond properly. He needs that right now. Just... remember you're mine." He tightened his grip childishly. I kissed his chin, a chuckle passing through.

"Always." I answered. He tilted his head down, connected our lips. It was gentle, and something I definitely had secretly been wanting since we came home. I laced my fingers around the back of his neck, pulling him slightly closer. I pulled back, pecking the tip of his nose. I leaned my head back straight again, blood had rushed to my head.

His rough calloused hands, started kneading my shoulders, seeking out the knots. I groaned in happiness. I had never had the knots come out of my muscle. It only increased at the journey went on. He maneuvered around my shoulder wound with ease, having memorized my injury locations. "Come on." He whispered. He picked me up, a hand under my knee, one around my back, and I let him carry me up the stairs, into the shared bedroom we had.

He set me on the bed, and I curled into my side. I couldn't deny I was tired. "Oh, Iridian." Kili whispered gently. I liked the way his name rolled off my tongue. I set my head in his lap, my hands curled against my body. His fingernails dragged against my skin gently, giving goosebumps against my skin. I sighed gently.

"I like how that feels." I mumbled. He laughed gently, and continued to trail his fingers against my back, down my arms, and up my neck again. My hair twined into his fingers until he untangled it, doing the same thing again. It was soothing, and repetitive. It took my mind off of what had happened. He paused for a moment. I groaned in a complaint. "Don't stop." He chuckled, before continuing the process.

"Lay on your stomach." He said softly. I obliged, putting my arms under my head for a pillow. His hands went back to massaging my back gently. "I didn't realize you had so many knots." He grumbled, pressing his palm into my skin.

"I've always had them. For as long as I've known. Dwalin once used hot coals from the hearth once, and it didn't do much." I answered. He pressed on a really hard knot, and I yelped slightly. He put less pressure on it, and continued to try and roll out the bundled up muscle.

"Sorry." He mumbled. Soon, it started to dissipate. This was the most amazing feeling ever. It must have been another fifteen minutes or so, that he continued working through the muscles on my back, until they were significantly reduced. I got up slowly, sitting cross legged again. I straightened my back to the point of pain, and then stared at him with kind eyes.

"Thank you. I really mean it. I've needed that for at least seventy seven years." I admitted quietly.

"Har har." Kili retorted. I pecked his cheek. Then someone knocked on the door. "Is that Fili already?" He grumbled. I crawled off the bed, grabbing his hand.

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