Where Are You Now?

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*Hey guys! We've reached 300 votes and over 2K reads! Thank you all so much!! I'm also sorry for being a really bad author and not updating regularly. It makes me frustrated too... For the last time I am going to change my update day to Sunday, where it is the only day I have nothing to do during the school year or summer. Thanks for being so supportive! Please keep reading, commenting, sharing and voting! Ciao!*

  I whipped out my right blade, and held it at Thorin's chest.   

He turned his gaze on me. It was dark as a raging sea. "How dare you do this!" He screeched at me. I stood my ground, and held it tighter to his armor. "How dare you help this thief! It is our birthright! You are a traitor! You call yourself a dwarf?!" He screamed. He moved to grab me, and I felt three people surround me.

"Uncle! Do not touch her." Fili barked. Suddenly, Gandalf appeared. His voice was deep, loud, and powerful through magic. I pulled my blade back, not wanting to really hurt Thorin. I kept it at the ready, though; at this point, my loyalty was to others, and would not return to my king until he was back. I had to protect everyone else from his rage.

"IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY BURGLAR..." His tone returned to his normal tone, and a normal volume that actually carried. "Then please don't damage him. Return him to me! You're not making a very splendid figure as King Under the Mountain, are you? Thorin, son of Thrain!" Thorin breathed heavily, and his anger receded into it's home slightly, but nonetheless was visible. I took the chance to grab Bilbo, pulling him behind me, toward the rope.

"Never again will I have dealings with wizards..." Bofur and I pushed him toward the rope. Bofur encouraged him to go. "Or Shire-rats! Or Elf hybrids!" My heart broke at realizing how sick he was. Bilbo tossed the rope down, and clambered down, seeing if I would come with. I gestured to Kili, and Bilbo continued his trek, running to safety. He fixed a thankful look on me for half a second.

"Are we resolved? The return of the Arkenstone for what was promised?" Bard prompted again, turning back to the real matter at hand. Thorin breathed heavily, and his eyes fixed into the distance. I kept my eyes on his expression. "Give us your answer! Will you have peace or war?" Thorin bowed his head, and then the large raven flew and perched next to Thorin. They stared at each other for a long while. Some conclusion was reached, and it wasn't good.

"I will have war!" At the end of his phrase, we heard a rumbling. We all turned to see the ridge covered in heavily armed dwarves, lead by a huge dwarf riding a pig. It was a terrifying sight to see; To see two armies headed out to war.

"Ironfoot." Gandalf said. Everyone cheered in happiness upon seeing their backup. It was a jeering cheer. I only looked on in dismay. Were they going to do this for a gem? In all my life, I'd never hoped to see a war. From what Dwalin had said, they were ugly and horrible; and here I was, standing on the brink of one. It shook my courage, but it held on just barely. Thranduil shouted in Elvish.

"Ribo i thangail!" The armies marched to meet one another, and Gandalf went with, Bilbo rushing to keep up. They stopped a short distance from one another, and Ironfoot rode his pig onto a rocky overlook, addressing the armies.

"Good morning! How are we all? I have a wee proposition, if you wouldn't mind giving me a few moments of your time. Would you consider... just sodding off!" The townspeople clutched their weapons, which looked like they'd seen better days, stepping back. The Elves on the other hand, stepped forward with their swords drawn. "All you- right now!" Ironfoot reminded me of a more aggressive Thorin, and more stubborn if that was even possible

"Stand fast!" Bard ordered. Gandalf strode forward into the fray, into the no man's land that was between the two armies. I could've cut this tension with my ready blade if it was tangible.

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