Little Sparrow

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*Iridian's voice doesn't sound like this.... but this is the song that comes to her mind.*

Once we got to camp, it was sundown. It was near a cliff. Comforting. I unpacked my pony and set up my bedroll somewhere near Dwalin's. Thorin walked around, giving orders. "Oin, Gloin, get a fire going. Everyone else, start preparing dinner and making camp. Iridian. Might I speak to you for a moment?" My eyes caught Thorin's, and I walked over, tilting my head curiously at him.

"I noticed you seemed to be in quite a bit of pain a while ago. I never got the chance to ask. Are you alright now?" I nodded, appreciating the concern. He doesn't show emotion often.

"Thorin, you don't need to worry about me. Or give me any special treatment. I'm just like anyone in the company." A snort of laughter came from his chest.

"Trust me. I know. I just wanted to make sure that your hearing was alright."

"I find myself hearing snippets of conversations quite often, causing me to space out, according to Fili and Kili. To much noise causes me to hear a little of everything and it becomes jumbled somewhere. It's just getting used to it. It's all a matter of time. I'm alright. Thank you, Thorin."

"I figured. Your elf heritage certainly has given you many talents. But you're immune to the cold, aren't you?" I nodded slowly.

"I also noticed that Kili has been less of his usual self." My heart skipped a beat and I couldn't prevent my smile from dropping.

"Whatever do you mean, Thorin? And why mention this to me?" I said, trying not to seem obvious.

"He hasn't been his joking self. He's been brooding almost. I also noticed you were riding by yourself for most of the day." He raised an eyebrow. I was caught.

"Kili, said some stuff that wasn't incredibly nice, and I needed to be alone. I kinda snapped at him." I murmured, a little embarrassed. Thorin smiled a little.

"I figured as much. I suggest you talk to him. He seems quite upset, and he's seemed quite entranced through this journey anyway." He said, patting my shoulder. "I hope all goes well." I nodded, walking away toward Balin and Dwalin. Why was everyone saying that about Kili?

"How was your ride, lass? A little quiet I presume?" Balin said, glancing at the two talking boys.

"You could say that." I shrugged slightly

"What happened, Iridian?" Dwalin queried, placing a hand on my shoulder. I explained the story, and then looked to Kili, and saw Thorin was right. His shoulders were slightly slumped, and his eyes didn't twinkle as much. I felt bad for a moment, and steeled myself after remembering what he said to me.

"You should talk to him. He looks quite sad."

"I will, if he apologizes."

"Iridian. You can't lose such a friend over something stupid." Dwalin said. Friend. That word rubbed me the wrong way strangely. I wasn't even sure why.

"I don't think he's ready to watch such a lovely lady go." Balin said, and winked at me. They walked away, leaving me to my thoughts. I frowned, and walked off in a different direction. There was still a while until dinner. I was going to explore. I needed time alone anyway. Completely alone that is. I wandered into the nearby woods, meandering through the trees. I jumped into one, and walked along the branches with grace.

I always climbed trees while I was little. It was comforting to be high in the sky. I always felt I was meant to be in the woods. Or somewhere that's simple yet grand. I don't know. I just knew I'm most at home in the woods or under the light of the stars. I pulled my hood up, hoping no one would recognize me. The odds of them being here was slim. But in case.

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