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*Hey guys! So here's the next installment!! Now you get to see her real skills!! Please enjoy and vote!! Ciao!*

We traveled on for a few weeks. It was quite quiet, and I spent my time getting to know the brothers. We had grown into a tight knit group, and we were all but inseparable, but I still was closed off. I still laid near Dwalin though, having conversations at night.

One night, four weeks in, we rested on a plain near a forest. A fire was lit, and we all sat around. "Hey, Iridian." Kili whispered. I leaned over, wondering what he had to say. "I dare you to try and take Bofur's hat."

"Are you crazy? He loves that thing! He never lets it out of his sight." I hissed back.

"Fine. Don't do it..." He said tauntingly. I set my face in a hard line, not wanting to seem weak.

"I didn't say that. How long do I have?"

"Until bed." He answered. That was a few hours away. "I'll give you ten gold coins." I nodded, and we shook hands. The dwarves talked around the fire in small groups. I spotted Bofur across the fire. I stood silently, and Kili pushed my legs lightly, chuckling low. I slunk away from the firelight, wrapping my cloak around me to help blend in. Kili's eyes tried to follow me, but he lost me after a moment. I gathered leaves and twigs and pine needles, weaving them together in a shape similar to his hat. I picked it up.

I followed around the fire, getting behind Bofur as they continued talking. It was clear that they were in a deep conversation, and Bofur was not paying attention. I slowly moved my hands to his hat, when he shifted. I froze, backing away again. Kili met my eyes, smirking, raising an eyebrow. I glared, and crept forward again.

I slowly took off the hat, setting it down, and picking up my makeshift one. I placed it on his head, and he tugged it down, not noticing the difference. I melded back into the darkness, creeping around once again. Kili looked on with a look of shock. I moved slowly, sitting back down, wrapping the hat in my cloak, smirking triumphantly. "How did you do it? Make the hat, and get it?"

"Just used the shadows, and their distraction." I shrugged.

"What about the shadows? I lost you in the darkness."

"Practice." I said. "Look." I looked at my wonderful leaf hat. Bofur still hadn't noticed, and he was adamantly laughing. By now the other dwarves had noticed the makeshift hat, and were sniggering at it. "Should I put it on?" I whispered. Kili nodded, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. I placed it on my head, and it fell into my eyes. He laughed and I pushed it above my eyes and back. "How's it look?"

"Adorable." He laughed, pushing it back down. I huffed, and paused. Adorable? My heart skipped a beat. Nonsense. I pushed it up, when Gloin spoke up.

"Bofur, your hat looks great." He said, and I knew it was sarcastic. Fili looked over, laughing as well.

"Of course it does." He went to feel for the hat, finally noticing the difference. He took it off his head in disbelief, and everyone guffawed at the bamboozled dwarf. "Where is my hat?" He said in a small panic. He finally set his eyes on mine, and he stood. "How did you...?" I stood as well, moving to a more open space.

"The lass is good at stealth. She's trained herself. Given me good scares." Dwalin said, amusement in his eyes. In fact, everyone seemed highly amused, even Thorin.

"Give it back." He said shortly. I placed the hat over on a rock behind me, and I stood in front of it.

"Come and get it, then." I said, a smug look playing on my lips. He walked forward, and I turned him using his momentum, sending him walking the other way. He went a few paces before realizing he was going the wrong way. He looked back, shock written all over. "I said, come and get it." I repeated. He started again, and I did the same trick. "Why aren't you getting it? Don't you want it?" I said innocently, my eyes holding triumph.

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