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We stepped outside, and paused. Beorn was still chopping wood, and it was quite a menacing sight. I tried not to shrink away, and stood tall, wrapping my cloak around myself. Gandalf swiped a hand through his hair. We continued to walk forward slowly, and Beorn placed another block of wood onto the pedestal. It was methodically terrifying.

"You're nervous." Bilbo and I said together, noticing how Gandalf licked his lips in extreme nervousness. Beorn chopped another piece. As he should be, I was quaking all the way down to my boots.

"Nervous?" He looked down at the two of us. "Well, nonsense." He looked back up, and I could sense the nervousness. "Good morning!" He called. Another block of wood was chopped, and I flinched. He continued to chop wood, almost nailing Gandalf. "Good morning." He called again. Beorn placed his axe down, his back to us. He looked over his shoulder.

"Who are you?" His voice was gruff, low, lower than Thorin's. I swallowed my fear, forcing myself to stand taller. Well, tall is relative looking at Beorn.

"I am Gandalf. Gandalf the Grey." He said simply. He bowed, and I did as well, not wanting my head to be chopped off by that axe. Beorn turned to us fully, setting the axe down.

"Never heard of him." I gulped. That was not good. Gandalf's smile slipped, and he struggled to find the words.

"I'm a wizard." He continued. "Perhaps you've heard of my colleague Radagast the Brown. He resides in the southern borders of Mirkwood."

"What do you want?" He said, his voice resonating in my chest. His hazel eyes were wide with apprehension.

"Well, simply to thank you for your hospitality." He said, smiling once again. Though it was a very nervous smile. "You may have noticed that we took refuge in your lodgings here last night." I glanced over to see Bilbo hiding behind Gandalf, not even concealing his fear.

"Who is this little fellow? And this little girl?" His eyes transfixed onto mine, and I was paralyzed with fear.

"This would be Bilbo Mister Baggins from the Shire. And this... is Miss Iridian of the Blue Mountains."

"They are not dwarves, are they?" He said, picking up his axe.

"What? No." He said, nervousness in his voice. "No. Mister Baggins is a Hobbit, and Miss Iridian is ¾ elf, 1/8 human, and only 1/8 dwarf. A good family, and a unimpeachable reputation." He patted Bilbo's back, placed a hand on my shoulder and he smiled up.

"A halfling, and a hybrid. While she is part dwarf, she is also mostly elf. She's quite pretty... and a wizard." Beorn finished, looking at each of us. His gaze lingered longer than necessary, and I almost considered hooting like a barn owl. "How came you here?" He said, having put his axe down.

"Oh well the fact is we've had a bad time of it. From goblins in the mountains." That was a year ago.

"What did you go near goblins for?" Beorn said, looking as though we were stupid. I hissed in anger, but held my temper. "Stupid thing to do." I snarled low, looking at him. I was no longer afraid. I opened my mouth to reply, when Gandalf spoke instead.

"You are absolutely right." Gandalf said, waving his arms. He looked down at me, and gave me a look. Footsteps sounded behind us. Beorn picked up his axe, looking at the two strangers. It was Dwalin and Balin. I rolled my eyes, putting my head in my hand. Beorn growled. "Dwalin and Balin." Gandalf introduced. They looked quite nervous.

"And I- I- I must confess, uh, several of our group are in fact, dwarves."

"Do you call two, several?" The large man growled, his axe still raised.

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