To The End

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*Hey guys! Thank you so much for getting this to 2K!! I'm so excited! Thank you for continuing with this long story. I really appreciate it. Please continue reading, voting, commenting, and sharing! Ciao!*

"Master Baggins, come here!" Bilbo does as he was told, and Thorin held a tunic of white chainmail. It was quite beautiful. "You are going to need this. Put it on." Bilbo started to remove his jacket for the first time I'd seen on the journey. "This vest is made of silver steel- 'Mithril' it was called by my forebears." The king held it up so Bilbo could get into it. "No blade can pierce it."

Bilbo finished putting it on, looking at himself. The chatter died down, and everyone watched the interaction. "I look absurd. I'm not a warrior; I'm a Hobbit."

"It is a gift. A token of our friendship. True friends are hard to come by." Thorin was smiling, and then it fell, and he frowned. He grabbed Bilbo by the shoulder leading him away. The dwarves continued their preparations, and I continued listening, thankful for my hearing. "I have been blind. Now I begin to see. I am betrayed!"

"Betrayed?" Bilbo said. I knew where this was going.

"The Arkenstone." He said lowly. I swallowed. Bilbo looked quite uncomfortable and anxiety ridden. Thorin whispered gruffly in his ear. "One of them has taken it." Bilbo seemed to sigh audibly at not having his secret discovered. "One of them is false." He continued, like a snake whispering lies, unaware of the lie in front of him.

"Thorin.... The quest is fulfilled. You've won the mountain. Is that not good enough?" Bilbo said in an attempt to take this subject away.

"Betrayed by my own kin." Thorin mumbled, still stuck on the subject.

"No eh... you... you made a promise... the the people of Laketown. Is- is this treasure truly worth more than your honor. Our honor, Thorin. I was also there, I gave my word. Iridian gave hers."

"For that I'm grateful. It was nobly done. But the treasure is in this mountain does not belong to the people of Laketown! This gold... is ours... and ours alone. By my life I will not part with a single coin! Not... one... piece of it!" He spoke it slowly, so Bilbo understood his intent to the fullest. Thorin's voice became deeper and gruffer with each passing word, and he even sounded like Smaug a little. By the end, Bilbo looked so shocked at what he said.

Kili nudged me, and we started walking in a line out of the armory. Thorin's eyes were very clouded, and his eyes flickered up to mine. I almost froze. His gaze was quite terrifying, but I kept moving. That was not Thorin. That I knew. I walked back to my bag quickly, and gathered my many weapons, and the sharpening stone I kept.

I went and sat in a small circle with the brothers, who had laid their armor down for a moment. Our bedrolls were laid out. Kili was sharpening his sword, his bow and arrows at his side "Here." He said. He handed me another two dozen arrows. "I found them already very sharpened." He said softly. I smiled, and added them to the quiver. It was stuffed to the brim. I moved onto my many knives and small throwing axes. I worked until they gleamed in sharpness.

"Fili. Kili." I said. We all paused, and stared each other in the eyes. Clouds met the raging sea, and the wolfish fire, grounding us to each other. "I have to admit that I am afraid. I am so afraid of this war. I am afraid of dying. I am not ready to. I am afraid of the destruction and ruin. I am afraid for you guys, and if I can protect myself. I am worried for Dwalin for he cannot die. I'm scared for everyone else, and Thorin." I rambled.

They grimaced, and then they grabbed my hands, linking their own. "I am scared too. I have never been in a war. As you know, a battle was what killed our father. I am afraid that I will die, but at least it will be as my father died. I am afraid for uncle, and for Kili. I will do everything I can to keep you all alive, to my last fighting breath." Fili answered. He looked like the next king in that moment. 

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