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*Hey guys! Just to let you know, this is a shoutout to sierrafriesen for the idea to leave it on a cliff hanger like this! Sorry for this being a little longer. Thanks so much. Please read, vote, comment and share! Ciao!*

"I choose..."

I took off my cloak, setting it down. "Kili." I said softly.

"What was that?" Dwalin said, looking at my cloak neatly folded. I turned back, surveying the dwarves, who all seemed anxious to hear my answer as well. Thorin's eyes were calculating, judging almost.

"I said, I'm staying with Kili. I know that I'm practically abandoning the quest, but I cannot abandon Kili either. He needs me."

"We need you too! I don't think you're considering everything about this. This isn't just about one person, thousands are at stake." Dwalin answered.

"One person? That 'one person' is Kili. You know what he means to me, Dwalin. Look, I've considered everything, and I have to stay. I can't abandon him."

"And you can't abandon us! You can't abandon me. If you should die, I don't know what I'll do!" Dwalin retorted. A tense silence followed. I didn't back down, staring at him with a hardness. His face then dropped almost tiredly. "Iridian. Are you sure you really want to do this?" I nodded, standing. I almost fell over at the swaying. Swaying? I looked down to see the fact that the boat had in fact started to move. "If that's what you choose, then I trust you." He said softly, in almost resignation. A thread of guilt weaved into my heart, but my decision was resolute.

I moved to the edge of the boat, when Thorin stopped me, putting a hand on my bicep. "You too, Iridian? We've already lost four to this journey. We cannot lose a fifth. You are needed here with your skill. Especially given your current path." What did he mean, current path? I shook off the thought, and stared into Thorin's eyes. They were just like Fili's, cerulean and clear. "Iridian. You belong here, especially since Fili isn't here. He needs a role model."

"What in Durin's name are you talking about?" I shook away the irony as I spoke to a descendant of Durin. The boat was getting farther away. I had to move soon, or I'd be to far away.

"It doesn't matter!" Thorin snapped. "What matters is that you stay here with this Company. We've already lost valuable fighters, we cannot lose another." I paused, and looked to Dwalin, who looked hopeful. I turned to face where Fili and Kili were, and they were getting farther away the longer I waited. I turned back to Thorin's gaze, unfazed.

"I am sorry, Thorin. But my place is with Kili. He needs me. And I know that given the quest and its need for alert people, I will be unable to do that. I will be to worried for Kili. I must go." I answered, shaking my arm from his grip. Thorin paused, his blue eyes swirling in debating.

"You really love my nephew, don't you?" Thorin's tone had softened surprisingly. I looked at him shocked, unsure what to make of this change.

"Yes. He is my One. That is undeniable." I said strongly. Then, Thorin smiled.

"Then I cannot imagine anyone else to stay with him besides his brother and Oin. While I regret losing such a fighter, and someone who soon will be..." He trailed off, and then shook his head. "It matters not right now. What matters is you keep him safe. I shall see you soon."

"Iridian. Take care of him, and stay safe." Dwalin called. I nodded, and turned to the platform. I tensed my legs, and launched off the boat. People moved and I landed roughly, my foot slipping into the water. I cursed, and stood quickly. The others waved, and then turned to face the mountain. Dwalin looked back toward me once more, a worried glint in his eyes. He sent me one more hand gesture we made, telling me good luck, and that he loved me. I sent it back. I smiled, and started to make my way toward the brothers.

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