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*Hey guys! I am now updating on Monday's, for it will be easier on my lazy self. I am doing summer school and I have a crappy connection at my dads, so it'll be easier to just do it once a week when I'm at my moms. Thanks so much for still reading. Please comment, vote, share and keep reading! Ciao!*

It must have been a couple hours when I awoke again. Kili had shaken my shoulder gently. It was close to sunset already. I rubbed my eyes gently, my burns still hurting. "How long have I slept?" I asked sleepily. Kili smiled.

"The whole trip, love." He answered. I sighed, and stood, stretching my sore muscles. The boat bumped against shore. I wobbled for a moment, before standing again. We exited the boat, excitement in our steps. We were so close.

"We'll probably only make it a third of the way. We'll need to go slow because of Kili's leg, Iridian's wounds, and because I'm getting to old for this." Oin joked. We all chuckled at the prospect. We starting going slow, and my weapons were hard against my bare skin. The leather was surprisingly soft, and it didn't really bother me much, it was just the rigidity of the weapons. It was a slow trek uphill.

Soon, the three of us had gotten ahead of the two, and our eyes were fixed on the mountain. Kilis eyes were determined, and Fili's were almost sad. I grabbed their hands, and held them tight, despite the pain. "We're almost home." I whispered. They squeezed them back, before letting them go.

"Almost home." They chorused. We continued walking until sunset, and the path became treacherous. We still tried to climb on, but Oin stopped us.

"We need to stop here for the night. It will be to hard to climb. We've reached our goal. We'll get there midday tomorrow." He shouted toward us. We stopped, finally breathing for the first time. The mountain air was crisp, and while it smelled of dragon faintly, it smelled of home. I truly almost felt home, where I never did except in the woods near the Blue Mountains. 

We found some trees near a stream. "Oin, think you can still make a fire?" I teased, dropping wood in front of him. He looked at me dryly.

"As well as Gloin can. Just give me a moment, go and hunt will ye'?" He answered. I nodded, taking out my bow. I went into the trees, trying to find rabbits. While the wood was comforting in my hands, it was so tender. I heard a familiar voice, and I turned to see Kili following.

"Can't let you do this alone." He answered. I smiled, and we crept into the woods silently. I stopped, and saw a rabbit. I motioned to Kili, and he nodded. "Wait... are you sure you can do this?"

"I'm the who's got a bow here. I'll be fine." I answered, nocking an arrow. I didn't want to seem weak. I started to pull back, and I winced. Guess it did hurt. Kili looked worried. "I'm alright." I lied, and pulled back the arrow, aiming for a second. I shot it, and the rabbit got shot in the eye. Another hopped out in a moment to inspect its friend. I shot it too. "That should be enough."

"Yeah. I got it." He answered, collecting the animals. I hadn't even noticed I had used Tauriel's arrows I still had. I smiled a melancholy smile, and we continued back to camp. On the way, I grabbed the arrows replacing them in the quiver. When we got back, there was a fire, and the others crowded around it, holding out their hands for warmth.

We deposited the rabbits, and got to cooking them. "I have to admit, Oin, you still have skills." I joked. He looked at me with sarcasm evident in his eyes.

"I see injuries haven't stopped your sass." He retorted. We ate the meager rations in silence from there as it roasted over the fire. After we cleaned it up, we sat around the fire. "Do you think the others are okay?" Oin asked after the silence.

"I really hope so. Dwalin..." I answered. Kili wrapped his arm around me, and the fire began to die down. "I'll go get more wood, and I'll take the first watch. You guys get some rest." I said, standing.

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