Searching For the Found

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I woke up on my own for once. All was quiet, but I could tell some of the others were stirring. I twitched, going to move, when Kili tightened his grip on my waist, burying his head in between my shoulder blades. We had moved to where my back was pressed to his chest sometime during the night.

He groaned a little. "Five more minutes." He whined like a child. I didn't object, cuddling into the warmth. I twined our fingers together with one of the hands that was against my waist. He sighed in content, and I felt his lips brush against the nape of my neck, causing a shiver to zip through my body. I saw Balin rise, and start to take out rations from a bag.

His eyes caught mine, and he smiled like a wise grandfather. I rolled my eyes and yawned. The others started to get up, shooting smirks in my direction. I rolled my eyes once again. I finally started to move from Kili's grip. "Why...?" He whined again.

"Because it's time to get up. Just be amazed I'm already up." I teased, shoving him gently. He rolled onto his back comically. I laughed, and he did as well. His laugh was low and resonating, and always sent a warm buzz through my veins. I got up, and saw a cold meal of bread, and fruits. I took two servings, handing one to Kili, who took it gratefully. My eyes rested on Bilbo, who still looked quite uncomfortable.

He avoided my gaze, not wanting to give anything away quite yet. I would find out soon enough. There was small chatter that wasn't that important. Suddenly, the room went dead quiet. My eyes travelled to the figure that caused us to go silent. It was Thorin, looking down at us with something close to anger. "Get up. We need to search for the Arkenstone. Be glad I gave you time to have a reunion. But now it's time to get to work. We must find it."

"Don't you want time to catch up with your nephews?" I asked in a quietly strong voice. Everyone gave me similarly horrified looks. I knew nobody had the audacity to say such a thing, but I did. I had to hope I could make him see reason. I gazed at Thorin's crazed cerulean orbs.

"What did you say to me?" He demanded. I stood, and I felt Kili's hand on mine, begging me to back down. I shook it off gently, stepping forward.

"I said, don't you want to talk to your nephews? You let us have a reunion and catch up, and yet you did not join us." I repeated. The blue flashed like a storm. It looked like the beginnings of the storms in the Misty Mountains.

"We have plenty of time for that after we find the stone. Now let's go!" He barked. We scurried to our feet, headed toward the huge room I was in just a few hours ago. "Get down there, and start searching! That includes you, Iridian." While I knew my wounds were healing, I wasn't sure if they could handle the stress of being bent over, and constant movement.

"Thorin, she needs rest." Oin said, vouching for my injuries.

"She can search like the rest of us. She has proven her worth. Why should she need to rest? She is not a dainty female. We need everyone we can to look for the Arkenstone." He said in a gruff voice.

"Thorin. She has received pretty bad injuries staying in Laketown. Having her search could make her worse." Dwalin said. My eyes widened. He never argued against Thorin. That should have been enough to make the king back down. But again proving he was not in the right frame of mind, he did not.

"That was her fault, she should have known the consequences. That is no excuse. Iridian, get going." He snapped. I made a movement, when Dwalin held up a hand. I stopped dead in my tracks, and so had the rest of the company. They watched as the King Under the Mountain and his most trusted advisor debated heatedly.

"You do not understand. She already had deep enough wounds from glass, and then she was burned not much later. Her hands are burned. They're to blistered to be able to do anything. With what you want us to do, it will only make her worse. If you want her to get well to be prepared for anything else, you will let her rest." Thorin paused, and then contemplated the pros and cons. Finally, he sighed, his eyes resting on me.

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