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So here i am.

I am (y/n), daughter of Poseidon. My best friend is Nico Di Angelo and everyone is surprised by that. That I am the only one who can make him laugh or smile. That I am the the only close to him since his sister died four years ago. Nico is 16 and is a good couple of inches taller than you.

Right now it is after the war with Gaea and the gods gave us all a huge mansion to live in when we go to school at Goode. Well the seven are going and Nico but I am going to Florida to stay with my mom. I really want to go to Goode but my mom says it would be better to get to know my second step dad ( you will learn about the first one later) and his daughter. I am really nervous because of what happend with my first step dad but i just hope for the best.

                                                                   Present Time

I am standing in the top of the hill waiting for my mom to come pick me up and dive me to the airport. I am really going to miss this place but I cant wait for next summer.

" Hey (Y/N)" You turn around to see none other than your brother Percy with his arm around Annabeth's shoulders." Are you going to Goode this year?" Percy asked.

" No my mom wants me to visit with her and her new husband this year." you say looking at the ground. " Well IM me if you find a new camper or get into any trouble okay. Oh and you will always have a room at the mansion the gods built us."

You smile and look up, " Thanks Persassy, I am going to miss you." Then he pulls you into a hug.

"Beep Beep", You pull out of the hug to see your mom waving to you out the car window.

" Well that's my ride." You go to pick up your bag but someone has beat you to it. You look up to see none other than your best friend of two years." Didn't think you would get to leave without saying goodbye to me did ya?" said a smirking Nico. " Just shut up and walk me down the hill, my mom is here."

You walk down the hill silently and when you reach the bottom, he pulls you into a tight hug. Your mind draws to a blank, you have known him for two years, been in life and death situations, two quest and two wars and never EVER has he hugged you. You have always known his hands were cold but his chest was warm. Then you snake your arms around his waist. " I'm going to miss you", he said in his slightly deep voice. " Gonna miss you too" you said but it was muffled by his chest.

"Beep Beep", you hear again. You both pull away from the hug and you lightly blush. You have a crush on the son of Hades but you will never admit it because you know about him being gay. " Well bye", you say. "Bye (Y/N), make sure to IM me if you are ever in trouble okay?" 

You nodded and that was the last thing you did before you opened the car door and setted of to the airport.

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