Chapter 41

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Nico's POV
The prophecy was 'recited', I guess I should say,a few months ago. Mr. D complained about us staying at camp if we were not year rounder and ' Didn't have a reason or was in danger' to stay at camp or 'Didn't sign up as a notice for year round camp'. Let's just say we are back at the house-mansion thing. And I'm not happy.

Since we missed so much school time, we have so much homework that it looked liked a stack of Annabeth's ' light reading' books.  Also since I accidentally was out of town for the project I was supposed to do with Bridgit, excuse my French, my stupid ass teacher paired me up with her AGAIN for another project but is making me do most of the work. That's not even the best part though. She is coming to my house. Yay!, with fake enthusiasm.

So here we are sitting in the living room with stacks of homework and a fake ass bitch. I'm done 'excusing my French' because one, I'm Italian and two, I don't fucking care because it's true. I didn't know what was more unnecessary, how much homework teachers give us, or the impossible amount of makeup she could pack onto her face. Why people think it is pretty or attractive,I don't know but what I do know is that I probably deathly scared of clowns and can never look at them the same way, ever.

"Nicokiiiinnss." A highly annoying voice pierced my ears. I didn't know what surprised me more. That I can hear that high of an octave, I didn't go deaf, or I didn't throw this Ronald Mc Donald  wannabe out of the house and slam the door in her face.

"Yes Bridgit?" I sighed, getting very annoyed.

"Can you help me with this question?" she asked me.

"Uh sure." I wanted to answer ' No figure it out yourself.'I'm just glad I'm actually good at geography because of all the traveling I would do because I didn't stay at camp.

"What is Rhode Island's state flower?"she purred shuffling closer to me on the couch and placing a hand on my arm. (I have no idea if this is what they ask in high school, I just looked up geography questions and this is one that came up. I guess the project is to pick a state and describe national landmarks or something like that. I don't know.)

I shifted away from her and shaking her arm off in the process. "I'm pretty sure it is the violet."

"Oh that's right, I remember now." Hahaha did she actually say that, her, remembering something. She has been to the mall a million times and I'm 100% positive she does not even know the way there. She writes it down on her paper and turns back to me.
"Aren't they so pretty, they would totally bring out my eyes."

"Mmhmm. Yeah sure." I responded even thought I completely ignored what she just said.

She glanced behind me and smirked slightly. I was about to turn around to see what she was looking at but she grabbed my face and kissed me. I instantly pushed her off and started yelling at her. I got off the couch.

"What the Hade- hell Bridgit! I yelled at her, almost saying Hades instead.
"You know I have a girlfriend, why would you kiss me."

"Because Nicopo"...she stood up and tried walking closer to me but I kept backing away from her, wiping her lipstick off of my lips. "I like you and I am way better looking then your ugly girlfriend, if she even is a girl. I know you like me and you don't even like her, like how much is she paying you to keep up the stupid act." she said innocently like it was all true and I should just believe her.

"One, stop calling me those annoying ass nicknames. Two, (Y/N is not ugly, she is more beautiful than you no matter how much makeup you put on. Three, I most definitely don't like you and four, she is not paying me anything because our relationship is even more real than your annoying fake ass bitch that wants attention all the time by acting like a slut and throwing herself at people when they obviously don't like you."

She looked surprised but them replaced it with her 'innocent' face. "It's okay babe, you don't have to pretend anymore. I love you too. All you have to do is dump her and she doesn't have to be in our way anymore.
That's when I really lost it. My voice got deadly calm and my eyes turned dark. "The only person that can call me 'babe' is also the same person I love. Her is name is (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N) ( your first and last name) and they only thing standing in our way is going to be my front door." I grabbed her things, shoved them in her arms and started pushing her to the front door. 

"But what about the project?" She had the nerve to make an excuse to stay in my house but I was done with the annoying ass whore.

"I'll finish it by myself because I have to do most of the work anyway. I opened the door and shoved her outside. She turned around just in time to see the door slam right in her face. I turn around to see you leaning on the railing of the stairs.

"So, babe huh?"

So I asked in the last chapter if I should write a smut. I probably am but it will be in a later chapter and for those who don't want to read it, I will put it in a different chapter so you don't miss anything important. I will put a notice at the top of the chapter or chapters that will have smut.

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