Chapter 51

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Nico's POV
I woke up in the middle of the night,again, to my girlfriend trashing around on my bed. (Chiron let her stay in my cabin because we both had horribly nightmares.)She was rigid, her muscles clenched tight, with tears running down her face. I  wrapped my arms and legs around her, slowly and carefully, so I didn't startle her.

"Shhhh. Baby." I rocked her back and forth and pulled her closer to my body. "Your okay. I'm okay. Shhhh. Were both safe,baby. It's okay." She slowly stopped trashing and relaxed as I whispered sweet things in her ear. She opened up her eyes and I wiped her tears away with my thumbs.

"I'm sorry." She murmured into my neck. Her warm breath against the skin sent a shiver down my spine.

"Don't be. I don't mind so don't you ever be sorry. It's not your fault." I said as I wrapped my arms tighter around her. She was about to protest but I pressed my lips against hers, stopping her. She instantly kissed back.

"Now stop saying sorry, I love you to much to honestly care. Now try to get some sleep." I mumbled against her lips. She tucked her head into my neck and her breathing became slow and evened out. I drifted off not much longer than she did.

That was about 8 months ago. It's now November and things have gotten better but not completely healed. We both still have a few nightmares but they don't come as often and they are not as bad. That's only with us sleeping together. We both don't really want to try sleeping alone. (Y/N) still has PTSD but it is not as major, just a few flashbacks. Only a few things trigger flashbacks such as whips,  sometimes being cold and being touched by people she doesn't feel safe around unless me or the rest of the seven is with her. It took a while for her to pick up a sword to practice and spar again but it is getting better. What definitely triggers her is being left alone in the dark. She hates it and it reminds her to much of what happened, that's mostly why we sleep together. That and the fact that we enjoy cuddling with each other.

School has gone back in and we both have to take online school to make up for work we missed last year and take classes for this year. Bridgit and her back up bitches often make rude comments to her but that is mostly because she is mad that we are still dating. Also, Bridgit broke into my room, with (Y/N) and I sleeping in my bed and woke us up because she was mad that I was 'cheating on her.'  She got all up on me and ran her hands all over my chest because I was shirtless.I really hate mortal girls and some demigod girls. I threatened to call the cops and she eventually left the house. At the beginning of the year Nathan often tried to flirt and make a move on (Y/N) all the time. Then, when he grabbed your left arm, on your arm where you were cut and now have a scar, she had a flashback/ panic attack and he freaked out. I was pissed off and tired of his stupid ass and beat the shit out of him. He still tries to hit on you but if he ever touches you again, he will be expelled and I would beat him until he died. As you can tell, I'm very protective. We have all of our classes together except for one and that is our electives. I have Geography and she has swimming The good thing is, is that she still has swimming with Percy so she hasn't really freaked out and water helps keep her mind of of things. She hates changing out though. She keeps telling me about how the girls in the locker room whisper about the scar on her back all the time and it makes her uncomfortable. How the girls stare at her but when she finally notices them, they walk away still muttering among themselves. 

  I also catch her poking they scar on her arm and back pretty often. She obviously hates them but to me, they make her look hotter and a bad ass. It is pretty hot to me but she doesn't believe me, she never does. Yes, as a hormonal 17 teen year old boy, almost man, I do think about her and I having sex. A few times, I really wanted to and almost went through with it and I almost could't stop myself, almost, but I did. Especially since she walked around my cabin and our rooms in a skin tight tank top and semi short shorts, showing off her long, tan legs. Oh, and when she wears a bikini to swim or tan. What? It's a boyfriend's job to notice and appreciate when their girlfriend wears something that literally covers practically nothing and shows all the right things. She also wears some of my T-shirts sometimes and I find it so sexy. I have no idea why I find it so attractive, it just is. Even though it was so hard, I stopped myself. I didn't want to take advantage of her when she was in such a bad state. I also  didn't want her doing something she would regret or might regret later.  Aphrodite might either know about this or be causing it because  after I got back from showering, there was a note on my bed, with her name in pink at the bottom, with a box of condoms. I blushed really hard and hid them before (Y/N) got back from taking a shower. I don't know if she is ready or Hades even if I'm ready to do that yet but I'd rather be married or engaged to her before we do go that intimate. Wait. Should I propose? We are two young to get married but we can wait until we are both ready. I mean, Percy proposed to Annabeth when he was 17. Should I?

Hey guys. I'm and wondering if I should make a Solangelo fanfic about Nico having to stay with Will in the infirmary for three days. Let me know if you think I should and tell me if you want to read that from me.

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