Chapter 43

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A little authors note berfore I start this chapter. I have no idea who you are or if you want me to put your user in this chapter ( You can tell me if you want me to take it out.) but when I logged on, all of my notifications was from
 and I just wanted to thank you for literally liking every chapter I wrote in the same day. I don't think people would actually enjoy reading the random things I felt like writing  but I just wanted to thank you whoever you are and here is the words I felt like writing for today.................................

Your POV
I wake up, on the couch, with 10 people staring down at me.
Calypso (spelling?)
and for some reason Will Solace from the Apollo cabin.
I groan and cover my eyes with my arm. "Why is it always me?"

"I'm pretty sure we have all asked that question by now."
I guess the party is over because no music was playing but the floors had red solo cups and..random things were thrown over the floor. I was about to sit up on the couch but sunlight hit my face and it burns my eyes. I groan again and lay back down.

"What happened?" I ask.

Nico leans over the back of the couch and says, "We don't know what really happened. After you drank the bottle of beer Nathan dared you to..."

"She did WHAT?" Percy yell, cutting Nico off.

"I'll explain later. Now as I was saying. After you drank it, you started acting weird. Like skipping around like a happy glitter rainbow weird. Otherwise, nothing you would do no matter how much someone would pay you.James was really concerned that you were drunk but surprisingly, a house full of demigods who are continuously putting their lives in danger for the fate of humanity and how no idea how long they will live, have never gotten drunk before, so, we called Will."

"There is no way I was drunk." I argued.

"Um, do you even know what the Hades you we doing for like an hour or two?"

"Yes, I was actually aware of what I was doing, which most drunk people are not,but I had no control over it. And, I have at least 3-4 times that amount before and was not drunk.( I dont know if this is possible, if its not then oh well, lets just say you have had more alcohol before than a bottle of beer.) Also, alcohol makes me relax, not like a fan girling Aphrodite child high on Percabeth and Phan fan fiction."

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" Percy screamed as being the over protective brother he is when he heard that fact I have had alcohol before. "And what is 'Phan'?"

"That's not the point!" Nico snapped at Percy's unnecessary comment on Phan even though they are cute and Dan reminds me of Nico. "The point is what the fuck happened to make (Y/N) act like an idiot, no offense."

I giggle. "Phan is cute. Weeeee!" I roll off the couch and onto the floor. "Owy." I rub my elbow and pout like a child after I say 'owy' like a three year old.

Someone groans. "I thought it was over."

"Phan is not over! Phan is life!" I scream still on the floor. As you can 'see' even thought at this point in this story, at this moment, I am talking inside my head to you, explain that I am aware of what I am doing and what I am saying, I just can't control what I am saying or doing. Yay. Omg! Zayn left One Direction! NOOOOOO! Wait, what am I thinking? I don't even like One direction. (Don't hate me. They are okay but it I had a decision to listen to them or not, I would not.)

"See. I explained it to you yesterday but no one would believe me." Nico says to the nine other people in the room and motioning to me on the floor complaining about Phan and acting like an Aphrodite child by worrying about ships.

Will kneels down to me and shins a light in my eyes. "Well, if she was drunk, she would be having a hangover right now. Like headache, muscle pains, nausea, vomiting and others but those are some of the main ones. Also her eyes dilation would be over ( i dont know about this either) but hers is still dilated and she would not be acting like this."

"So you're saying....?"

"I'm saying she is not drunk."

"Then what is making her act like this?"

"I think she was roofied." Will replied.

"Roofied?" Nico and Hazel both ask.

"It's where someone puts a drug in someones drink." Annabeth explains.

Another two-three ours of Nico and Percy discussing on how they are going to kill Nathan and how this happened and Hazel and Piper catching Leo and Calypso on everything ( Nico and I dating)and me crying and pouting about fanfiction and ships, the effects finally wore off. That left me with a major headache and my embarrassment. The bright side was is that I got to hang out in my room watching movies with Nico while he massaged my back and shoulders being very concerned. It was so cute.

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