Bonus Chapter

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I realized a little while after I wrote a chapter that I did not complete the first prophecy of the book. If you think about it, the verse doesn't make sense and no one knows what happens to Lucy. That's why I am here. Instead of going back and fixing it, I decided to make a bonus chapter out of it. This goes all the way back to chapter 46 if you don't remember.
'Two souls bonded together,
Who shall cross one with clever
Tricks and spells lead to pain
One lost and locked in a chain
An enemy betrayed by the mother
That leads the other with no one to smother."
Lucy's POV
"My child, you have done well." The goddess appraised me. "But, it is not yet over."

"I know, mother. As soon as they arrived, our visitors will be killed. Just as you instructed."

"Thank you, young one. I always knew you were my favorite child." She let out a loud cackle that echoes of the cavern walls. "I can hear them, Liza. Go make me proud."

She had never called me by name before, always pet names or she didn't acknowledge me. But seriously? Liza? That wasn't even close to my name and she says I'm her favorite? Is she serious?

I signed and walked down the dark passage ways. If I do her proud, then she'll remember me. She appreciate me after this is finished and then she'll remember my name. She'll be so proud of me.

I gather our troops of monsters and awaited in the darkness. Their grunts and snarls echoed off the walls. A disturbing chill shot down my spine and made my hairs stand up and goosebumps to arise. Something was wrong. Something bad was going to happened and I knew it. I scanned amongst the troops until I found my mother. Her dark eyes that mirrored my own stared at me. The way she was looking at me made me uneasy.

"I want them to pay." She mouthed at me.
"I did this as a prayer from my daughter." My mother mused.

"Who is your daughter?" My mother turned and her eyes immediately fell on me, even though I was surrounded by a shroud of darkness. I took that as a cue and stepped forward, revealing myself to them. Nico's eyes met mine and they instantly turned dark with hate.

"I am pretty sure you know who it is." She turned her attention back to them. "Either you can break up with her,"She nodded her head towards (Y/N). "And date Lucy or you can both die trying to fight your way out."

"Ha. Never gonna happen." Nico snarled.

"As you wish." Hecate smiled and removed her hand from (Y/N)'s neck. She clapped twice and a hellhound instantly went to pounce on (Y/N).

I ducked back into the shadows to watch as the events take place. They were both fighting hard but they we getting tired, growing weaker. They would eventually die or give up. I winced at the thought. They didn't deserve to die.

"Having a sudden change of heart?" My mother suddenly appeared next to me. She wasn't looking at me. Rather, she was looking intensely at someone (Y/N) is fighting.

"Maybe they shouldn't die, just look." I nodded my head towards them. "They are growing tired. They will eventually give up."

"But isn't that what you wished for? She questioned. "For her to die so you could have him all to yourself?"

"Not anymore." I shook my head. "I don't want that anymore."

"You can't just take back a wish." She said sternly.

"Then what can I do?" She stared intensely at (Y/N) in silence as she thought things over. Her fight was getting closer and closer to us and Nico was having some trouble of his own.Nico took his eyes off her for one second and my mother looked at me one more time, anger I her dark purple eyes.

"You have failed me." She reached out and grabbed (Y/N)'s arm and pulled her away from her fight. I looked at my mother in confusion but she was no longer standing beside me. I turned around to ask her what she was doing but stopped. In her hand rested a sword. In one quick movement, she drew her weapon back and sent it right into my abdomen. Her dark eyes stared into my own and she withdrew her sword from my body. I let out a scream and fell to the ground.

I laid on the cold ground, gasping for air and clutching at my wound. A layer of mist, magic, surround my body, a doing from my mother. I laid their, staring at the mist, feeling myself dying. My eyes finally closed and I let out a final breath.

I failed her.
So, truth is, Hecate stabbed and killed Lucy. Nico thought it was (Y/N) because of the mist.

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