Chapter 5

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"How is school" (Y/N) asked.

I gumble.

All the girls stare at me and want to ask me out. I don't want to tell my crush that.

I guess I was quiet for a while because (Y/N) started to look at me with her beautiful sea green eyes. Right now she looks perfect with her (Y/H/L)your hair lenth (Y/H/C) your hair color. No bad Nico she is your best friend and she does not even like you.

"Umm yeah it's good but the girls are annoying." Percy grunts in agreement.

"What do you mean?" She asked concernedly.

Then Annabeth pipes in, " All the girls ask Percy, Nico, Jason or Frank out. The guys ask Hazel,Piper and I out all the time."

You look kind of sad in your eyes for a second but it goes away as fast as it came so I think I imagined it. You look like you were about to say something but Frank and Hazel beat her to it.

"Guys hungry?"Hazel asked. "You have been out there since 5 and it is now 7:36."

" Yeah hold on" Percy yells back. "Lets go guys". We all get out and grab a towel but I can help myself. You look at (Y/N). Her long tan legs and how her head only comes up to my chin. 'No bad Nico.Stop it Nico.'

"You okay?" (Y/N) grabs my arm lightly and looks up at me. "You look mad."

"Oh uh yeah i'm fine."

"Where is Jason and Piper?" I ask sitting down at the island.

"On a date." responds Hazel while putting pizza in the pizza oven.

"Any word on Leo?" You see Leo is looking for Calypso's island again because she got sent back there, but she is free.

"No." Frank sighed.

Your POV

Right now I am deep in thought. My crush is being asked out by girls. I mean he is attractive but what if he says yes to on of them. What if he does not like me. Wait he already does not like me. Or wait? Does he? UGH I don't know. WHY CAN'T HE JUST TELL ME!!!!

"(Y/N)?" 'I just want to know.'

"(Y/N)?" 'Nevermind i know he does not like me, he never will. He definitely won't why finds out what happended in my childhood.'

"(Y/N)?!?", a person yells. "What?"

"Pizza is done and you were not responding, I said your name three times. You okay?"

Annabeth asked. "Yeah just thinking"

"About what?"

"Oh just school", 'You are not lying, just a loop hole.

"You will be fine" ' Yeah i would if i were dating Nico', I thought.

I ate two peices of pizza then went to bed.

Tomorrow is my first day of school at Goode with my crush getting asked out.

Sounds fun already.

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