Chapter 54

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Hey guys. I have had many people suggest this when I asked for your ideas and what you want me to write. So please don't be mad at me if I write this and you don't like this. Well, good reading.

Unknown POV (Male and female)
I gave these really buff guys my months' allowance and gave them the address of the school and a picture of the person I wanted.

"I don't think this is a good idea." The unknown male said.

"It's a great idea. I'll get the person I like to like me and you get the girl you like because she is heartbroken because the boy she like dumped her for someone better, like me."

"Okay. If you say so. Go on with the plan. I'll see you when you grab him. She'll go with you."

"We'll bring him to the pit when we got him." One guy with half his head shaved said. Then they all got in their cars and drove off the the school I gave them, Goode High.

Nico's POV
I was walking from Geography to go meet (Y/N) at the pool and an alarm went off. I was outside in the court and there was no one around me. I went into building 6 and started walking down the hallway. When I turned the corner, two men were walking towards me. Okay? I thought. I'll just go the other way. I turned around and two other buff guys were blocking the door I came in. Okay then. Plan, I don't have one. I started speed walking and all of a sudden, a classroom came in contact with my face. I slammed onto the ground and my head cracked on the ground. The last thing I was were a few blurry buff guys and a an outline on what I guessed was a girl. Then my eyes closed.

Your POV
I sat on my balcony staring at the pool that was below me. I was twisting around the promise ring Nico gave me. He didn't come home from school yet and it was already 9pm. Everyone kept saying that he'll be back soon and that he is fine. He would have told us if he needed help or if he was in trouble and stuff like that. I wanted to believe it so I could relax and calm down, but I couldn't. It was getting late and I tried to sleep. Every time I did though, I had a nightmare and just gave up trying. I also couldn't sleep because their was to many things on my mind. I loked over at my clock and it said 3am. Where are you Nico? Where could you be? Why didn't you come back already.

Nico's POV
I woke up on a bed with handcuffs around my wrist, attaching me to the head board. My vision was blurry and I couldn't make out any shapes or objects. I also had a killer headache.

"I see your finally up." A feminine voice said off to my left. I looked over to see a blurry blob with I'm guessing had blonde hair.

"Who are you? How long was I out?" My voice sounded tight meaning I was out for quite a while. The girl laughed.

"I'm your girlfriend and about three days."

"No. My girlfriend is (Y/N). Also, her voice is not as high pitched and annoying as yours." she huffed.

"No sweety. I am your girlfriend. Now, you can forget about that bitch and date someone better than that ugly ass, me. Great right?" There is only one person who would say that and is blonde with an annoying voice.

"Let me go Bridgit." I sighed.

"I will if you kiss me, break up with the ugly rat, and date me." She said.

I laughed and it hurt my head even more but my eyesight cleared. I wish I had ambrosia or nectar. "Not ever gonna happen."

"You sure about that?" She asked.

"Mmhm." I mumbled because my head was really killing me and he voice is just making it worse. She walked over to me and ran her hands over my chest. I sat up, trying to get away from her. He hands went lower and lower until they reached the waistline of my jeans. I freaked out and kicked her really hard.

"What the hell was that for?" She shrieked. " We were just going to have some fun." She groaned, clutching her stomach.

"Hades no!." I growled. "Never.Gonna. Happen." The door opened and a male stepped in. Nathan.

"What happened? I heard you scream." He asked Bridgit.

"Well, I was trying to seduce him and he kicked me."

"Hm." He mused and looked over at me. "Wonder how (Y/N) is going to react when I try it on her."

"Don't you dare fucking touch her. I'll kill you." I yelled at him. They both laughed and left me in the room for a while, leaving me to my thoughts. Bad idea. It gave me some peace and quiet to  try to think of plan to escape.

It's been a few day since I woke up but I'm not sure how many though.I came up with a few and the last one I thought off was horrible and I never wanted to do it. I had to do it though, it was the only plan left and I was running out of other options. Bridgit usually came in at night and tried to flirt with me than ,so I guess I will have to take my plan to action tonight. Gross. I'm going to hate this so much.

Your POV
I sat on Nico's bed playing with the promise ring. I thought of the speech he said to me when he gave me this. ' I love you and I always will. I'll always be there for you. I promise.' That was only a few weeks ago. It's been almost a week and Nico still didn't come back. He didn't text, call or even Iris message. The tears started to come back onto my eyes and I let them loose.

"You promised."  I whispered.

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